@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。2612,作者=“McCully, Scout N和Don, Brian P和Updegraff, John A”,标题=“使用互联网帮助饮食,体重和体育活动:来自健康信息全国趋势调查(提示)的结果”,期刊=“J医学互联网Res”,年份=“2013”,月份=“8”,日子=“01”,卷=“15”,数字=“8”,页数=“e148”,关键词=“体育活动;减肥;饮食习惯;基于web的;互联网;背景:互联网为具有成本效益和广泛影响的健康干预提供了一个可行的平台。然而,很少有人知道使用互联网来帮助饮食、体重和体育活动(DWPA)使用来自美国的全国代表性样本。目的:(1)评估使用互联网帮助进行DWPA的人群的人口统计学特征,(2)评估使用趋势是否随时间变化,(3)调查使用互联网进行DWPA与健康行为之间的关联。方法:2007年和2011年健康信息全国趋势调查(HINTS)的互联网用户数据,N=4827,使用多元逻辑回归分析,以确定使用互联网帮助DWPA的人口统计学相关性。 Multiple linear regression was used to test the associations between Internet use for DWPA and three health behaviors: fruit intake, vegetable intake, and physical activity. Results: A larger percentage of Internet users used the Internet for DWPA in 2011 (42.83{\%}) than in 2007 (40.43{\%}). In general, Internet users who were younger (OR 0.98, P<.001), more educated (OR 1.40, P<.001), married (OR 1.06, P=.03), of a minority race (non-Hispanic blacks: OR 1.14, P=.02; Hispanics: OR 1.42, P=.01), and who had a higher Body Mass Index (BMI) (OR 1.04, P<.001) were more likely to use the Internet for DWPA. Across survey years, gender was not associated with using the Internet for DWPA (OR 1.03, P=.12), but there was a significant interaction between survey year and gender (OR 1.95, P=.002); in 2007, men were more likely to use the Internet for DWPA, but women were more likely to do so in 2011. Using the Internet for DWPA was associated with more vegetable intake (B=.22, P=.002), more fruit intake (B=.19, P=.001), and more moderate exercise (B=.25, P=.001), although the strength of the associations between using the Internet for DWPA and fruit intake and exercise was weaker in 2011 than in 2007. Conclusions: Contrary to prior research, our population-level study did not show a pronounced gender difference in the use of the Internet for DWPA. Our results support the increasing viability of the Internet as a platform for behavior change intervention, as a growing percentage of Internet users are turning to the Internet for help with DWPA. Additionally, using the Internet for DWPA is associated with better DWPA-related health behaviors. ", issn="14388871", doi="10.2196/jmir.2612", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2013/8/e148/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2612", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23906945" }