@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。2999,作者="Barrera, Alinne Z and Kelman, Alex Rand Mu{\~{n} oz, Ricardo F",标题="关键字招募西班牙语和英语参与者:来自在线产后抑郁症随机对照试验的证据",期刊="J医学互联网研究",年="2014",月="Jan",日="09",卷="16",数="1",页数="e6",关键词="互联网干预;预防;抑郁,产后;研究课题招募;女性;背景:基于互联网的研究的优势之一是能够有效地招募大量不同的国际参与者样本。目前,关于建立成功的在线招聘工具的幕后过程的信息很少。目的:本研究的目的是检查西班牙语和英语关键词对谷歌AdWords广告活动的比较影响,以招募孕妇进行互联网干预,并描述参加试验的孕妇的特征。方法:创建西班牙语和英语谷歌AdWords广告活动,宣传和招募孕妇参加一项基于网络的预防产后抑郁症的随机对照试验,即母亲和婴儿/妈妈的互联网项目。 Search engine users who clicked on the ads in response to keyword queries (eg, pregnancy, depression and pregnancy) were directed to the fully automated study website. Data on the performance of keywords associated with each Google ad reflect Web user queries from February 2009 to June 2012. Demographic information, self-reported depression symptom scores, major depressive episode status, and Internet use data were collected from enrolled participants before randomization in the intervention study. Results: The Google ads received high exposure (12,983,196 impressions) and interest (176,295 clicks) from a global sample of Web users; 6745 pregnant women consented to participate and 2575 completed enrollment in the intervention study. Keywords that were descriptive of pregnancy and distress or pregnancy and health resulted in higher consent and enrollment rates (ie, high-performing ads). In both languages, broad keywords (eg, pregnancy) had the highest exposure, more consented participants, and greatest cost per consent (up to US {\$}25.77 per consent). The online ads recruited a predominantly Spanish-speaking sample from Latin America of Mestizo racial identity. The English-speaking sample was also diverse with most participants residing in regions of Asia and Africa. Spanish-speaking participants were significantly more likely to be of Latino ethnic background, not married, completed fewer years of formal education, and were more likely to have accessed the Internet for depression information (P<.001). Conclusions: The Internet is an effective method for reaching an international sample of pregnant women interested in online interventions to manage changes in their mood during the perinatal period. To increase efficiency, Internet advertisements need to be monitored and tailored to reflect the target population's conceptualization of health issues being studied. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00816725; http://clinicaltrials.gov/show/NCT00816725 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6LumonjZP). ", issn="14388871", doi="10.2196/jmir.2999", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2014/1/e6/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2999", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24407163" }