@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。3189,作者=“Struik, Laura Louise和Baskerville, Neill Bruce”,标题=“Facebook在Crush The Crave中的作用,基于移动和社交媒体的戒烟干预:帖子的定性框架分析”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2014”,月=“7”,日=“11”,卷=“16”,数=“7”,页=“e170”,关键词=“定性研究;年轻的成年人;戒烟;互联网;背景:社交网站,尤其是Facebook,越来越多地被纳入针对年轻人的当代戒烟干预措施中。人们对Facebook在针对这一年龄段人群的戒烟干预中所起的作用知之甚少。目的:本研究的目的是表征Facebook页面上Crush The Crave帖子的内容,这是一项针对19至29岁年轻人的循证戒烟干预。方法:收集2012年10月10日至2013年6月12日期间Facebook上的帖子进行分析,这些帖子代表了“粉碎渴望”试点阶段的页面活动。在列入分析的399个帖子中,121个是原创帖子,其余278个是回复帖子。 Posts were coded according to themes using framework analysis. Results: We found that the original Crush the Crave Facebook posts served two main purposes: to support smoking cessation and to market Crush the Crave. Most of the original posts (86/121, 71.1{\%}) conveyed support of smoking cessation through the following 7 subthemes: encouraging cessation, group stimulation, management of cravings, promoting social support, denormalizing smoking, providing health information, and exposing tobacco industry tactics. The remaining original posts (35/121, 28.9{\%}) aimed to market Crush the Crave through 2 subthemes: Crush the Crave promotion and iPhone 5 contest promotion. Most of the reply posts (214/278, 77.0{\%}) were in response to the supporting smoking cessation posts and the remaining 64 (23.0{\%}) were in response to the marketing Crush the Crave posts. The most common response to both the supporting smoking cessation and marketing Crush the Crave posts was user engagement with the images associated with each post at 40.2{\%} (86/214) and 45{\%} (29/64), respectively. The second most common response consisted of users sharing their smoking-related experiences. More users shared their smoking-related experiences in response to the supporting smoking cessation posts (81/214, 37.9{\%}) compared to the marketing Crush the Crave posts (11/64, 17{\%}). With the exception of 4 posts, a moderator posted all the original posts. In addition, although 56.00{\%} (18,937/33,815) of Crush the Crave Facebook page users were men, only 19.8{\%} (55/278) of the reply posts were made by men. Finally, men were found to be more likely to express sarcasm or make strong assertions about quitting smoking and Crush the Crave than women. Conclusions: The CTC Facebook page presents as a unique platform for supporting young adult smoking cessation at all stages of the cessation process. The findings of this study indicate that social networking sites, especially Facebook, warrant inclusion in tobacco control efforts directed towards young adults. Research on effectiveness of the Facebook page for quitting smoking is needed. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.3189", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2014/7/e170/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3189", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25016998" }