@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。3511,作者=“De Beurs, Derek Paul and De Vries, Anton LM and De Groot, Marieke H and De Keijser, Jos and Kerkhof, Ad JFM”,标题=“应用计算机自适应测试优化自杀行为在线评估:一项模拟研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2014”,月=“Sep”,日=“11”,卷=“16”,数=“9”,页=“e207”,关键词=“自杀;心理测验学;计算方法;互联网;自杀意念;背景:互联网越来越多地用于自杀研究和预防。为了优化对自杀患者的在线评估,需要一种简短、高质量的工具来评估未来自杀行为的高风险。计算机自适应测试(CAT)可以减轻响应负担,提高准确性,使可用的纸笔工具更适合在线管理。目的:测试基于项目反应的计算机自适应模拟是否可以用于减少自杀意念贝克量表(BSS)的长度。 Methods: The data used for our simulation was obtained from a large multicenter trial from The Netherlands: the Professionals in Training to STOP suicide (PITSTOP suicide) study. We applied a principal components analysis (PCA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), a graded response model (GRM), and simulated a CAT. Results: The scores of 505 patients were analyzed. Psychometric analyses showed the questionnaire to be unidimensional with good internal consistency. The computer adaptive simulation showed that for the estimation of elevation of risk of future suicidal behavior 4 items (instead of the full 19) were sufficient, on average. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that CAT can be applied successfully to reduce the length of the Dutch version of the BSS. We argue that the use of CAT can improve the accuracy and the response burden when assessing the risk of future suicidal behavior online. Because CAT can be daunting for clinicians and applied scientists, we offer a concrete example of our computer adaptive simulation of the Dutch version of the BSS at the end of the paper. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.3511", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2014/9/e207/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3511", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25213259" }