@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。5602,作者=“Prescott, Tonya L和Phillips II, Gregory和DuBois, L. Zachary和Bull, Sheana S和Mustanski, Brian和Ybarra, Michele L”,标题=“接触青少年同性恋,双性恋和酷儿男性在线:国家招聘战略的发展和完善”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2016”,月=“8”,日=“04”,卷=“18”,数量=“8”,页面=“e200”,关键词=“Facebook;移动健康;招聘方法;干预的发展;艾滋病毒;青少年;AGBM;背景:文献中越来越多地记录了使用社交网站来招募研究参与者,尽管很少有研究利用这些网站来吸引18岁以下的人。目的:讨论招募协议的发展和完善,以达到和吸引青少年同性恋,双性恋,和其他与男性发生性行为的青少年男性(AGBM)。 Participants were recruited for development and evaluation activities related to Guy2Guy, a text messaging--based human immunodeficiency virus infection prevention program. Methods: Eligibility criteria included being between 14 to 18 years old; being a cisgender male; self-identifying as gay, bisexual, and/or queer; being literate in English, exclusively owning a cell phone, enrolled in an unlimited text messaging plan, intending to keep their current phone number over the next 6 months, and having used text messaging for at least the past 6 months. Recruitment experiences and subsequent steps to refine the Internet-based recruitment strategy are discussed for 4 research activities: online focus groups, content advisory team, beta test, and randomized controlled trial (RCT). Recruitment relied primarily on Facebook advertising. To a lesser extent, Google AdWords and promotion through partner organizations working with AGBM youth were also utilized. Results: Facebook advertising strategies were regularly adjusted based on preidentified recruitment targets for race, ethnicity, urban-rural residence, and sexual experience. The result was a diverse sample of participants, of whom 30{\%} belonged to a racial minority and 20{\%} were Hispanic. Facebook advertising was the most cost-effective method, and it was also able to reach diverse recruitment goals: recruitment for the first focus group cost an average of US {\$}2.50 per enrolled participant, and it took 9 days to enroll 40 participants; the second focus group cost an average of US {\$}6.96 per enrolled participant, and it took 11 days to enroll 40 participants. Recruitment for the first content advisory team cost an average of US {\$}32.52 per enrolled participant; the second cost US {\$}29.52 per participant. Both recruitment drives required 10 days to enroll 24 participants. For the beta test, recruitment cost an average of US {\$}17.19 per enrolled participant, and it took 16 days to complete enrollment of 20 participants. For the RCT, recruitment cost an average of US {\$}12.54 per enrolled participant, and it took 148 days to enroll 302 participants. Google AdWords campaigns did not result in any enrolled participants of whom the research staff members were aware. Conclusions: Internet-based strategies can be a cost-efficient means to recruit and retain hard-to-reach populations from across the country. With real-time monitoring of participant demographic characteristics, diverse samples can be achieved. Although Facebook advertising was particularly successful in this study, alternative social media strategies can be explored in future research as these media are ever-changing. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.5602", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2016/8/e200/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.5602", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27492781" }