@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。6257,作者=“Larsen, Britta和Marcus, Bess和Pekmezi, Dori和Hartman, Sheri和Gilmer, Todd”,标题=“基于网络的西班牙裔拉丁人体育活动干预:成本和成本-效果分析”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2017”,月=“2月”,日=“22”,卷=“19”,数=“2”,页=“e43”,关键词=“成本-效果;身体活动;拉丁美洲人;拉丁裔;基于web的干预;背景:拉丁美洲人的身体活动水平特别低,患肥胖和糖尿病等与生活方式有关的疾病的比例更高。需要采取干预措施,以具有成本效益的方式大规模增加这一不断增长的人口的体育活动。基于网络的干预可能有潜力,因为互联网在拉丁美洲人中使用的增加和基于网络的项目的可扩展性。目的:比较健康接触控制与基于网络的西班牙语体育活动干预的成本和成本效益。 Methods: Healthy adult Latina women (N=205) were recruited from the community and randomly assigned to receive a Spanish-language, Web-based, individually tailored physical activity intervention (intervention group) or were given access to a website with content on wellness topics other than physical activity (control group). Physical activity was measured using the 7-Day Physical Activity Recall interview and ActiGraph accelerometers at baseline, 6 months (ie, postintervention), and 12 months (ie, maintenance phase). Costs were estimated from a payer perspective and included all features necessary to implement the intervention in a community setting, including staff time (ie, wages, benefits, and overhead), materials, hardware, website hosting, and routine website maintenance. Results: At 6 months, the costs of running the intervention and control groups were US {\$}17 and US {\$}8 per person per month, respectively. These costs fell to US {\$}12 and US {\$}6 per person per month at 12 months, respectively. Linear interpolation showed that intervention participants increased their physical activity by 1362 total minutes at 6 months (523 minutes by accelerometer) compared to 715 minutes for control participants (186 minutes by accelerometer). At 6 months, each minute increase in physical activity for the intervention group cost US {\$}0.08 (US {\$}0.20 by accelerometer) compared to US {\$}0.07 for control participants (US {\$}0.26 by accelerometer). Incremental cost-per-minute increases associated with the intervention were US {\$}0.08 at 6 months and US {\$}0.04 at 12 months (US {\$}0.16 and US {\$}0.08 by accelerometer, respectively). Sensitivity analyses showed variations in staffing costs or intervention effectiveness yielded only modest changes in incremental costs. Conclusions: While the Web-based physical activity intervention was more expensive than the wellness control, both were quite low cost compared to face-to-face or mail-delivered interventions. Cost-effectiveness ranged markedly based on physical activity measure and was similar between the two conditions. Overall, the Web-based intervention was effective and low cost, suggesting a promising channel for increasing physical activity on a large scale in this at-risk population. ClinicalTrial: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT01834287; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01834287 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6nyjX9Jrh) ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.6257", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2017/2/e43/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6257", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28228368" }