@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。6899,作者=“Zwier, Sandra”,标题=“‘点击更近距离护理’:四个国家社区药房网站内容分析”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2017”,月=“6”,日=“14”,卷=“19”,号=“6”,页=“e205”,关键词=“社区药房服务;药学服务;网上药店;保健服务的营销;商务部;背景:专业传播与商业传播的结合通常是非常有争议的,特别是在互联网上的卫生保健传播中。另一方面,有执照的社区药店的网站往往很少引起争议,尽管它们通常包含有争议的临床和商业服务的组合,这在专业卫生保健交流中是前所未有的。目的:本研究的目的是填补关于临床与商业服务相结合的知识空白,在网站上有执照的社区药房。方法:对来自英国、荷兰、加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省和马尼托巴省以及澳大利亚新南威尔士州和西澳大利亚州的200个持牌社区药房网站的临床和商业服务进行内容分析。 Results: The top five specific services mentioned on the community pharmacy websites were cosmetic products (126/200, 63.0{\%}), medication refill request options (124/200, 62.0{\%}), over-the-counter medicine (115/200, 57.5{\%}), complementary and alternative medicine (107/200, 53.5{\%}), and home medical aids (98/200, 49.0{\%}). On average, 72.5{\%} (145/200) of the community pharmacy websites across the 4 countries included a combination of clinical and commercial services. A combination of clinical and commercial services was more often present on chain pharmacy websites (120/147, 82.8{\%}) than single pharmacy websites (25/53, 47{\%}; P<.001), and most often on the Canadian community pharmacy websites, followed by the Australian, British, and Dutch pharmacy websites, respectively (P<.02). Furthermore, more than half of the pharmacies' homepages contained a combination of clinical and commercial images (107/200, 53.5{\%}), and almost half of the homepage menus contained a combination of clinical and commercial items (99/200, 49.5{\%}). The latter were, again, more common on chain pharmacy than single pharmacy websites (P<.001), with significant differences between countries (P<.001). Conclusions: A considerable share of websites of licensed community pharmacies in Great Britain, the Netherlands, Canada, and Australia combine clinical services with commercial services. Previous research into the presence of a combination of commercial and professional services suggests that such a combination may lead to increased interest in commercial services that may be unnecessary or inappropriate to patients' health. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.6899", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2017/6/e205/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6899", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28615153" }