@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir.1.suppl1。e64,作者=“Feit, J. and Matyska, L.”,标题=“MED22/401:病理学教育超文本地图集”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“1999”,月=“Sep”,日=“19”,卷=“1”,号=“suppl1”,页=“e64”,关键词=“病理学;Telepathology;皮肤病理学;教育技术;《多媒体》,摘要=《导论》:宏观和微观图片在病理诊断和教学中起着关键作用。编写了带注释的数字组织学图像集,并开发了一个接口,为处理高分辨率图像及其描述提供了方便的方法。该图谱将主要用于该大学的病理学研究生预科课程。方法:采用徕卡DMLB显微镜,配以徕卡{\textasciitilde}S1扫描相机,获得分辨率高达5112*5112像素,颜色为3*12{\textasciitilde}位的图像。这些图片经过数字处理(特别是对比度增强和锐化),缩小到3000*3000像素,3*8位颜色并存档。 Subsequently, these raw images are compressed using JPEG (JFIF lossy format) to 900*900 and 2000*2000 pixel images used in the actual collection. These pictures are logically glued together and described in the atlas source text prepared using the TeX/LaTeX typesetting system. LaTeX2HTML converter is used to produce the actual hypermedia document, while the same source can be used to obtain a more classical printed version of the atlas. The static character of the HTML hypertext document is made dynamic through JavaScript functions, which add the required interactivity. Results: The atlas is accessible using standard JavaScript enabled Web browsers. There is always one main window with the text, table of content, index, active section headers and other hypertext links, and links to individual images. All the images are displayed in separate windows. The 900*900 pixels images are used as standard resolution pictures, the higher resolution images (2000*2000) are displayed on demand in a separated ``magnifying glass'' window. This interface can be used to compare several pictures displaying them in the same time and providing also a tool to focus on the most important parts of the large windows. Use of the higher resolution images leads to no information loss through this process. The interface could mimic the fine focusing of the microscope that provided the picture and is a series of images taken in consecutive planes of focus. Discussion: The atlas was primary produced as a stand-alone package, stored on local disc or CD-ROM. In this form it is suitable for pre-graduate and initial postgraduate education. Currently, it is being converted into very flexible, easily available and expandable diagnostic tool available through Internet. The Internet accessible atlas may be easily updated and expanded with new images and text. Images at different compression levels could be stored, the low resolution one used to fast scan and the highest resolution images used for detailed comparison with unknown specimen. Through the very high speed network (e.g. TEN-155) it will be possible to transfer even the raw data images with resolution above3000*3000 pixels. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1.suppl1.e64", url="//www.mybigtv.com/1999/suppl1/e64/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1.suppl1.e64" }