@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir.1.suppl1。e80,作者="Wolff, a . and Knaup, P. and Finnern, J. and Hermanek, P. and Wagner, G. and Ells{\"a}sser, KH and Haux, R.",标题="RES5/464: OsTd-Online -基于web的标准化和器官特异性肿瘤文献系统",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="1999",月="Sep",日="19",卷="1",号="suppl1",页数="e80",关键词="肿瘤文献;标准化的文档;文件系统;临床试验;导论:多种不同的肿瘤疾病,每一种都有自己特殊和广泛的程序,需要临床肿瘤学家的文件指南。其中之一是G. Wagner和P. Hermanek(1995)的器官特异性肿瘤文献,目前正在更新和扩展。第一版包括36章最常见的肿瘤疾病和两章肺分别肝转移。每一章都包含一个关于治疗前数据、治疗数据和病理数据的问题列表。此外,对于需要进一步解释的问题,还有特殊的编码说明。 Because of the advantages of having data not only written down on sheets of paper but stored in a database the new edition of the organ specific tumor documentation will only be delivered as electronic version. Therefore, a web-based documentation system called OsTd-Online is developed by the University of Heidelberg (Department of Medical Informatics) in cooperation with the German Cancer Society. OsTd-Online will cover all 43 chapters of the second edition and offer standardised case report forms for cancer patients in dependency of the kind of tumor. Methods: Each chapter contains several case report forms built in HTML 4.0. Via JDBC-Connection the data could be inserted into an Access-Database. Documenting is supported by hyperlinks providing context-sensitive help (e. g. references to coding instructions or bibliography).Cascading Style Sheets (CSS1) are used to facilitate uniform design. CSS is also utilized in combination with JavaScript 1.2 procedures to show respectively hide items that depend on the value of another item (e. g. the item 'surgeon' should only be displayed if the value of the item 'operation' is set on 'yes'). Moreover plausibility checks and special printing functions are implemented by JavaScript. Results: The project is still under development. However, in September 1999 a prototype with full functionality will be finished including chapters for documenting Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy and Progress of a patient as well as four chapters about organ specific tumor diseases. At the beginning of next year a CD-ROM with the first reduced version of OsTd-Online including about 15 organ specific chapters will be published. Discussion: A standardised tumor documentation is a prerequisite for quality assurance and statistical research especially in multi-center clinical trials. By making OsTd-Online easy accessible for every interested physician we hope to motivate more physicians to document more carefully. Besides this OsTd-Online should improve the quality of documentation by automatic verification to increase correctness, completeness and consistency of documented data. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1.suppl1.e80", url="//www.mybigtv.com/1999/suppl1/e80/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1.suppl1.e80" }