@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/10135,作者=“de Jong, Jelske Marije和Ogink, Paula AM和van Bunningen, Carin GM和Driessen, Rieke JB和Engelen, Lucien JLPG和Heeren, Barend和Bredie, Sebastian JH和van de Belt, Tom H”,标题=“基于云的虚拟门诊:概念验证研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2018”,月=“9”,日=“24”,卷=“20”,数=“9”,页=“e10135”,关键词=“云服务”;数字健康;电子健康;移动健康;移动电话;门诊;背景:为患者提供的大多数电子健康(eHealth)干预措施只有一个目的,缺乏与其他工具或系统的集成。这是有问题的,因为大多数患者患有合并症和慢性疾病,看多名专家,因此在获取患者数据、与同行或提供者沟通以及自我监测生命体征方面有不同的需求。集成了数据共享、收集和通信的多组件数字医疗云服务可以与医院患者门户和护理专业人员相结合,促进以患者为中心的护理。目的:本研究旨在评估一种新的基于云的多组件门诊——“虚拟门诊”(VOC)的可行性和功能。 Methods: The VOC consists of 6 digital tools that facilitate self-monitoring (blood pressure, weight, and pain) and communication with peers and providers (chat and videoconferencing) connected to a cloud-based platform and the hospital patient portal to facilitate access to (self-collected) medical data. In this proof-of-concept study, 10 patients from both Departments of Internal Medicine and Dermatology (N=20) used all options of the VOC for 6 weeks. An eNurse offered support to participants during the study. We assessed the feasibility, usage statistics, content, adherence, and identified technical issues. Moreover, we conducted qualitative interviews with all participants by following a standard interview guide to identify user experiences, including barriers, facilitators, and potential effects. Results: Most participants successfully used all options of the VOC and were positive about different tools and apps and the integral availability of their information. The adherence was 37{\%} (7/19) for weight scale, 58{\%} (11/19) for blood pressure monitor, and 70{\%} (14/20) and 85{\%} (17/20) for pain score and daily questions, respectively. The adherence for personal health record was 65{\%} (13/20) and 60{\%} (12/20) for the patient portal system. Qualitative data showed that performance and effort expectancy scored high among participants, indicating that using the VOC is convenient, easy, and time-saving. Conclusions: The VOC is a promising integrated Web-based technology that combines self-management, data sharing, and communication between patients and professionals. The system can be personalized by connecting various numbers of components, which could make it a relevant tool for other patient groups. Before a system, such as the VOC, can be implemented in daily practice, prospective studies focused on evaluating outcomes, costs, and patient-centeredness are needed. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/10135", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2018/9/e10135/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/10135", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30249584" }