@Article{info:doi/10.2196/14658,作者=“Shorey, Shefaly and Ang, Emily and Yap, John and Ng, Esperanza Debby and Lau, Siew Tiang and Chui, Chee Kong”,标题=“基于人工智能的虚拟咨询应用在护理教育中的沟通技巧训练:发展研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2019”,月=“10”,日=“29”,卷=“21”,数=“10”,页=“e14658”,关键词=“人工智能”;沟通;学习;护理教育;病人;技术;背景:护理本科生与卫生保健提供者、患者及其家属有效沟通的能力对其护理专业至关重要,因为这些能力会影响患者的预后。然而,传统的使用说教式讲座进行沟通技巧培训是无效的,使用标准化的患者既不节省时间,也不符合成本效益。考虑到虚拟患者(vp)在安全环境中模拟互动和真实临床场景的能力,以及无限的训练尝试,虚拟咨询应用程序是护理学生在临床发布之前磨练沟通技巧的理想平台。目的:本研究的目的是开发和测试副总裁的使用,以更好地为护理本科生在临床工作中与现实生活中的患者、其家庭成员和其他卫生保健专业人员进行沟通做好准备。 Methods: The stages of the creation of VPs included preparation, design, and development, followed by a testing phase before the official implementation. An initial voice chatbot was trained using a natural language processing engine, Google Cloud's Dialogflow, and was later visualized into a three-dimensional (3D) avatar form using Unity 3D. Results: The VPs included four case scenarios that were congruent with the nursing undergraduates' semesters' learning objectives: (1) assessing the pain experienced by a pregnant woman, (2) taking the history of a depressed patient, (3) escalating a bleeding episode of a postoperative patient to a physician, and (4) showing empathy to a stressed-out fellow final-year nursing student. Challenges arose in terms of content development, technological limitations, and expectations management, which can be resolved by contingency planning, open communication, constant program updates, refinement, and training. Conclusions: The creation of VPs to assist in nursing students' communication skills training may provide authentic learning environments that enhance students' perceived self-efficacy and confidence in effective communication skills. However, given the infancy stage of this project, further refinement and constant enhancements are needed to train the VPs to simulate real-life conversations before the official implementation. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/14658", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/10/e14658/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/14658", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31663857" }