@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/14271,作者="Svedberg, Petra和Arvidsson, Susann和Larsson, Ingrid和Carlsson, Ing-Marie和Nygren, Jens M",标题="影响电子医疗服务成功实施的障碍和促成因素Sisom:儿童参与儿科护理的多中心研究",期刊="J医学互联网研究",年="2019",月="11",日="15",卷="21",数="11",页="e14271",关键词="儿童;儿科;电子健康;卫生保健;质量改进;创新扩散;实现科学;背景:儿童参与医疗保健是儿童疾病管理的重要组成部分之一。适应儿童需要的电子保健服务有可能改变儿童和专业人员的合作方式。因此,开发了一种数字交互式评估和交流工具Sisom,让6至12岁的儿童在自己的保健方面有发言权。 However, the implementation of eHealth services such as Sisom in daily practice in pediatric health care is rarely investigated. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the process of implementing Sisom for children in pediatric care in Sweden. More specifically, the study aimed to (1) evaluate whether the implementation strategy was conducted as planned, (2) understand the barriers and facilitators of the implementation strategy in pediatric care settings, (3) gain insight into how professionals work with the specific intervention, and (4) gain insight into the usefulness and effects of the intervention from the professionals' perspectives. Methods: A process evaluation design was used to study the implementation of Sisom at 4 pediatric care centers in Sweden. An extensive amount of qualitative and quantitative data was collected before, during, and after the intervention through self-report checklists, memos, and interviews with professionals. In total, 46 children, aged between 6 and 13 years, participated. The children used Sisom on two occasions during 6 months. When they used Sisom, a printed report formed the basis for a forthcoming dialogue between professionals, children, and their parents. Results: To our knowledge, this is the first implementation study of an eHealth communication tool aimed at strengthening children's participation in pediatric health care. Key factors for successful implementation were alignment of the solution with the values and goals of the organization, health care professionals' beliefs in the usefulness and usability of the solution, and health care professionals' willingness to change their professional roles guided by the solution. Conclusions: The results from the study show that it is possible to restructure health care delivery toward a child-centered approach, if there is a willingness and preparedness in the organization to implement an eHealth solution with the aim of restructuring the way of working with children's participation. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/14271", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/11/e14271", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/14271", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31730040" }