@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/15869,作者=“McCarthy, Edwina和Mazza, Danielle”,标题=“使用Facebook广告招募年轻女性进行研究的成本和有效性:PREFER(避孕偏好研究)经验”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2019”,月=“11月”,日=“29”,量=“21”,数量=“11”,页面=“e15869”,关键词=“社交媒体;Facebook;招聘;干预研究;病人教育;背景:社交媒体是一种流行而方便的网络交流方式。最常用的社交网站Facebook正越来越多地被用作招募研究参与者的工具,因为它拥有庞大的用户基础,而且能够根据Facebook用户的信息投放有针对性的广告。目的:我们评估了使用Facebook招募年轻女性参与基于网络的干预研究(PREFER)的成本和有效性。PREFER研究旨在确定教育视频是否可以增加对长效可逆避孕(LARC)的偏好和采用。方法:我们在2017年12月至2018年1月的19天时间里,在Facebook上发布了一则广告,邀请来自澳大利亚的16至25岁女性参加一项关于避孕的网络研究。 Those who clicked on the advertisement were directed to project information, and their eligibility was determined by using a screening survey. Results: Our Facebook advertisement delivered 130,129 impressions, resulting in over 2000 clicks at an overall cost of Aus {\$}918 (Aus {\$}0.44 per click). Web-based project information was accessed by 493 women. Of these, 462 women completed the screening survey, and 437 (437/463, 95{\%}) women were eligible. A total of 322 young women participated in Surveys 1 and 2 (74{\%} response rate), and 284 women participated in Survey 3 (88{\%} retention rate), with an advertising cost of Aus {\$}2.85 per consenting participant. Conclusions: Facebook proved to be a quick, effective, and cost-efficient tool for recruiting young Australian women into a study that was investigating contraceptive preferences. However, Web-based recruitment may result in sociodemographic biases. Further research is required to evaluate whether Facebook is suitable for recruiting older study populations. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/15869", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/11/e15869/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/15869", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31782738" }