@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/11735,作者=“Giuliani, Meredith Elana和Liu, Geoffrey和Xu, Wei和Dirlea, Mihaela和Selby, Peter和Papadakos, Janet和Abdelmutti, Nazek和Yang, Dongyang和Eng, Lawson和Goldstein, David Paul和Jones, Jennifer Michelle”,标题=“为癌症患者实施一种新颖的电子患者指导戒烟平台:中断时间序列分析”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2019”,月=“Apr”,日=“09”,卷=“21”,数=“4”,页数=“e11735”,关键词=“肿瘤”;戒烟;实现科学;背景:在接受治疗的癌症患者中继续吸烟会导致治疗毒副作用和持续影响的发生率显著升高,复发和第二恶性肿瘤的风险增加,并增加全因死亡率。尽管如此,常规烟草使用筛查和提供戒烟治疗尚未在癌症环境中广泛实施。目的:本研究的目的是实施和评估创新戒烟电子转诊系统(CEASE)的采用和影响,以促进癌症患者转诊到戒烟计划。方法:开发了一个以患者为导向的电子戒烟平台(CEASE),以促进吸烟筛查和转诊,并在加拿大最大的一个癌症中心实施。实施和评估以渥太华研究使用模型为指导。使用中断时间序列设计来检验与之前基于纸张的筛查计划相比,halt对筛查率、提供的转诊和接受的转诊的影响。 A subsample of smokers or recent quitters was also assessed and compared pre- and postimplementation to examine the effect of CEASE on subsequent contact with smoking cessation programs and quit attempts. Results: A total of 17,842 new patients attended clinics over the 20-month study period. The CEASE platform was successfully implemented across all disease sites. Screening rates increased from 44.28{\%} (2366/5343) using the paper-based approach to 65.72{\%} (3538/5383) using CEASE (P<.01), and referrals offered to smokers who indicated interest in quitting increased from 18.6{\%} (58/311) to 98.8{\%} (421/426; P<.01). Accepted referrals decreased from 41{\%} (24/58) to 20.4{\%} (86/421), though the overall proportion of referrals generated from total current/recent tobacco users willing to quit increased from 5.8{\%} (24/414) to 20.2{\%} (86/426) due to the increase in referrals offered. At 1-month postscreening, there was no significant difference in the proportion that was currently using tobacco and had not changed use in the past 4 weeks (pre: 28.9{\%} [24/83] and post: 28.8{\%} [83/288]). However, contact with the referral program increased from 0{\%} to 78{\%} in the postCEASE cohort (P<.001). Conclusions: CEASE is an innovative tool to improve smoking screening and can be implemented in both a time- and cost-effective manner which promotes sustainability. CEASE was successfully implemented across all clinics and resulted in improvements in overall screening and referral rates and engagement with referral services. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/11735", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/4/e11735/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/11735", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30964445" }