@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/15298,作者=“Gassman, Ruth Ann和Dutta, Tapati和Agley, Jon和Jayawardene, Wasantha和Jun, Mikyoung”,标题=“社交媒体对学校物质使用调查的愤怒:定性分析”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2019”,月=“9”,日=“12”,卷=“21”,数=“9”,页=“e15298”,关键词=“社交媒体;ATOD;调查;风暴;背景:以学校为基础的酒精、烟草和其他药物使用(ATOD)调查是了解青少年危险行为的常见流行病学手段。它们可用于监测全国趋势,并为学校、社区和各州提供总体数据,用于资金分配、预防规划和其他支持性基础设施。然而,这种调查有时会成为公众批评的目标,甚至是法律诉讼,通常是对缺乏适当性的回应。无处不在的社交媒体增加了潜在的网络风暴或数字愤怒事件的风险,这是管理此类调查时需要考虑的危害。很少有研究调查网络风暴对公共卫生调查管理的影响,也没有研究分析此类事件的内容。分析这些内容将有助于了解从业者在进行此类调查时如何将引发愤怒的风险降至最低。 Objective: This study aimed to identify common themes within social media comments comprising an online firestorm that erupted in response to a school-based ATOD survey in order to inform risk-reduction strategies. Methods: Data were collected by archiving all public comments made in response to a news study about a school-based ATOD survey that was featured on a common social networking platform. Using the general inductive approach and elements of thematic analysis, two researchers followed a multi-step protocol to clean, categorize, and consolidate data, generating codes for all 207 responses. Results: In total, 133 comments were coded as oppositional to the survey and 74 were coded as supportive. Among the former, comments tended to reflect government-related concerns, conspiratorial or irrational thinking, issues of parental autonomy and privacy, fear of child protective services or police, issues with survey mechanisms, and reasoned disagreement. Among the latter, responses showed that posters perceived the ability to prevent abuse and neglect and support holistic health, surmised that opponents were hiding something, expressed reasoned support, or made factual statements about the survey. Consistent with research on moral outrage and digital firestorms, few comments (<10{\%}) contained factual information about the survey; nearly half of the comments, both supportive and oppositional, were coded in categories that presupposed misinformation. Conclusions: The components of even a small online firestorm targeting a school-based ATOD survey are nuanced and complex. It is likely impossible to be fully insulated against the risk of outrage in response to this type of public health work; however, careful articulation of procedures, anticipating specific concerns, and two-way community-based interaction may reduce risk. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/15298", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/9/e15298/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/15298", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31516129" }