@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/17253,作者=“古兹曼-帕拉,何塞和巴内斯坦-丰塞卡,皮拉尔和格雷罗-佩尔蒂{\~{n}}ez,格洛丽亚和安德伯格,彼得和吉梅内斯-费尔南德斯,路易斯和瓦莱罗-莫雷诺,埃斯佩兰萨和古德曼-卡萨诺瓦,杰西卡·玛丽安和奎斯塔-巴尔加斯,安东尼奥和加洛雷拉,迈特和金塔纳,玛丽亚和加西亚·贝蒂斯,雷贝卡一世和莱门斯,埃维和圣马丁·伯格隆德,约翰和马约拉尔-克莱里斯,费明”,标题=“轻度认知障碍或早期痴呆老年人及其照护者对信息通信技术的态度和使用:横向研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2020”,月=“6”,日=“1”,卷=“22”,数=“6”,页数=“e17253”,关键词=“老龄化;轻度认知障碍;痴呆电子健康;信息和通信技术;背景:信息和通信技术是提高痴呆症或轻度认知障碍患者及其照护者生活质量的有前途的工具。然而,由于社会人口因素和消极态度以及对技术的了解不足,它们的使用存在障碍。目的:本研究的目的是分析技术癖(对新技术的态度)、智能手机和平板电脑的使用以及痴呆症/轻度认知障碍患者及其护理人员的相关因素。方法:采用轻度痴呆支持监测与提醒随机多中心临床试验(SMART4MD)首次就诊资料进行分析。数据来自两个欧洲国家,西班牙和瑞典,以及三个中心:Consorci Sanitari de Terrassa(加泰罗尼亚,西班牙),Servicio Andaluz de Salud(安达卢西亚,西班牙)和Blekinge理工学院(瑞典)。 Participants with a score between 20 and 28 in the Mini Mental State Examination, with memory problems (for more than 6 months), and who were over the age of 55 years were included in the study, along with their caregivers. The bivariate Chi square and Mann-Whitney tests, and multivariate linear and logistic regression models were used for statistical analysis. Results: A total of 1086 dyads were included (N=2172). Overall, 299 (27.53{\%}) of people with dementia/mild cognitive impairment had a diagnosis of dementia. In addition, 588 (54.14{\%}) of people with dementia/mild cognitive impairment reported using a smartphone almost every day, and 106 (9.76{\%}) used specific apps or software to support their memory. Among the caregivers, 839 (77.26{\%}) used smartphones and tablets almost every day, and 181 (16.67{\%}) used specific apps or software to support their memory. The people with dementia/mild cognitive impairment showed a lower level of technophilia in comparison to that of their caregivers after adjusting for confounders (B=0.074, P=.02) with differences in technology enthusiasm (B=0.360, P<.001), but not in technology anxiety (B=--0.042, P=.37). Technophilia was associated with lower age (B=--0.009, P=.004), male gender (B=--0.160, P<.001), higher education level (P=.01), living arrangement (living with children vs single; B=--2.538, P=.01), country of residence (Sweden vs Spain; B=0.256, P<.001), lower depression (B=--0.046, P<.001), and better health status (B=0.004, P<.001) in people with dementia/mild cognitive impairment. Among caregivers, technophilia was associated with comparable sociodemographic factors (except for living arrangement), along with a lower caregiver burden (B=--0.005, P=.04) and better quality of life (B=0.348, P<.001). Conclusions: Technophilia was associated with a better quality of life and sociodemographic variables in people with dementia/mild cognitive impairment and caregivers, suggesting potential barriers for technological interventions. People with dementia/mild cognitive impairment frequently use smartphones and tablets, but the use of specific apps or software to support memory is limited. Interventions using these technologies are needed to overcome barriers in this population related to sociodemographic characteristics and the lack of enthusiasm for new technologies. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03325699; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03325699 ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/17253", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/6/e17253", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/17253", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32442136" }