@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/17554,作者=“Pechmann, Cornelia和Phillips, Connor和Calder, Douglas和Prochaska, Judith J”,标题=“Facebook招聘使用邮政编码提高健康研究多样性:纵向观察研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2020”,月=“6”,日=“5”,卷=“22”,数=“6”,页=“e17554”,关键词=“吸烟;广告;,摘要=“背景:Facebook的广告平台覆盖了大多数美国家庭,并已被用于与健康相关的研究招聘。该平台允许按年龄、性别和位置进行广告细分;然而,它没有明确允许以种族或民族为目标,以促进多样化的参与者群体。目的:在一项基于网络的戒烟社交媒体研究中,本研究观察了Facebook广告中邮政编码定位对每天吸烟的黑人/非洲裔美国人和西班牙裔/拉丁裔美国人的效果。方法:我们以所有美国大陆的邮政编码为基准,进行了为期61周的一般市场活动。与此同时,我们开展了两次活动,以黑人/非裔美国人和西班牙裔/拉丁裔成年人为目标,以邮政编码为目标,以种族或民族群体的家庭比例排名第一,然后是每个家庭的卷烟支出。我们还开展了为期13周的西班牙语活动,目标是美国大陆的所有邮政编码,但使用了Facebook的西班牙语目标。这些广告形象和语言在所有竞选活动中都很常见。 Costs were compared for advertisement clicks, queries, applications, and participants, and yields were compared for the final three outcomes. We examined outcomes before and after the Cambridge Analytica scandal that broke in March 2018. Finally, we examined 2 promoted Facebook features: lookalike audiences and audience network placement. Results: Zip code targeting campaigns were effective for yielding the racial or ethnic groups of interest. The black-/African American--focused versus general market campaign increased black/African American weekly queries (mean 9.48, SD 5.69 vs general market mean 2.83, SD 2.05; P<.001) and applicants (mean 1.11, SD 1.21 vs general market mean 0.54, SD 0.58; P<.001). The Hispanic-/Latino-focused versus general market campaign increased Hispanic/Latino weekly queries (mean 3.10, SD 2.16 vs general market mean 0.71, SD 0.48; P<.001) and applicants (mean 0.36, SD 0.55 vs general market mean 0.10, SD 0.14; P=.001). Cost metrics did not differ between campaigns at generating participants (overall P=.54). Costs increased post- versus prescandal for the black-/African American--focused campaign for queries (mean US {\$}8.51, SD 3.08 vs US {\$}5.87, SD 1.89; P=.001) and applicants (mean US {\$}59.64, SD 35.63 vs US {\$}38.96, SD 28.31; P=.004) and for the Hispanic-/Latino-focused campaign for queries (mean US {\$}9.24, SD 4.74 vs US {\$}7.04, SD 3.39; P=.005) and applicants (mean US {\$}61.19, SD 40.08 vs US {\$}38.19, SD 21.20; P=.001). Conclusions: Zip code targeting in Facebook advertising is an effective way to recruit diverse populations for health-based interventions. Audience network placement should be avoided. The Facebook lookalike audience may not be necessary for recruitment, with drawbacks including an unknown algorithm and unclear use of Facebook user data, and so public concerns around data privacy should be considered. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrial.gov NCT02823028; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02823028 ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/17554", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/6/e17554", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/17554", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32501274" }