@Article{info:doi/10.2196/15121,作者=“Elliott, Sarah A和Dyson, Michele P和Wilkes, Gilbert V和Zimmermann, Gabrielle L和Chambers, Christine T和Wittmeier, Kristy DM和Russell, Dianne J和Scott, Shannon D和Thomson, Denise和Hartling, Lisa”,标题=“健康研究人员使用社交媒体进行知识翻译的考虑:多案例研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2020”,月=“7”,日=“23”,卷=“22”,号=“7”,页=“e15121”,关键词=“社交媒体”;知识的翻译;卫生研究;参与;传播;交流;背景:尽管有大量文献描述了社交媒体在卫生研究中的使用,但在建立、实施和评估有效的社交媒体知识翻译(KT)和交流策略方面的最佳实践方面存在差距。目的:本研究旨在研究在健康研究中使用社交媒体的成功、挑战和经验教训,并为指导其他研究人员提供实际考虑。方法:艾伯塔省面向患者的研究支持单位战略的知识翻译平台组成了一个国家工作组,包括平台工作人员、学者和具有使用社交媒体进行健康研究经验的家长代表。 We collected and analyzed 4 case studies that used a variety of social media platforms and evaluation methods. The case studies covered a spectrum of initiatives from participant recruitment and data collection to dissemination, engagement, and evaluation. Methods and findings from each case study as well as barriers and facilitators encountered were summarized. Through iterative discussions, we converged on recommendations and considerations for health researchers planning to use social media for KT. Results: We provide recommendations for elements to consider when developing a social media KT strategy: (1) set a clear goal and identify a theory, framework, or model that aligns with the project goals and objectives; (2) understand the intended audience (use social network mapping to learn what platforms and social influences are available); (3) choose a platform or platforms that meet the needs of the intended audience and align well with the research team's capabilities (can you tap into an existing network, and what mode of communication does it support?); (4) tailor messages to meet user needs and platform requirements (eg, plain language and word restrictions); (5) consider timing, frequency, and duration of messaging as well as the nature of interactions (ie, social filtering and negotiated awareness); (6) ensure adequate resources and personnel are available (eg, content creators, project coordinators, communications experts, and audience stakeholder or patient advocate); (7) develop an evaluation plan a priori driven by goals and types of data available (ie, quantitative and qualitative); and (8) consider ethical approvals needed (driven by evaluation and type of data collection). Conclusions: In the absence of a comprehensive framework to guide health researchers using social media for KT, we provide several key considerations. Future research will help validate the proposed components and create a body of evidence around best practices for using and evaluating social media as part of a KT strategy ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/15121", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/7/e15121/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/15121", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32706653" }