@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/19827,作者=“Machleid, Felix和Kaczmarczyk, Robert和Johann, Doreen和Bal{\v{c}}i{\={u}}nas, Justinas和Atienza-Carbonell, Beatriz和von Maltzahn, Finn和Mosch, Lina”,标题=“欧洲医学生对数字健康教育的看法:混合方法调查”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2020”,月=“8”,日=“14”,卷=“22”,数=“8”,页=“e19827”,关键词=“医学生;医学教育;电子健康;混合方法;卫生人力资源;数字素养;背景:数字卫生技术有望提高与患者相关的结果,通过减少卫生保健人员的工作量来支持他们,并改善护理的协调。作为数字卫生技术的主要用户,卫生保健工作者对于实现有意义的卫生保健数字化转型至关重要。数字卫生知识和数字技能应成为卫生专业人员促进实施和利用数字技术改善健康潜力的先决条件。目的:了解欧洲医学生对数字健康的认知和看法、数字健康在医学教育中的实施状况以及学生最迫切的需求。 Methods: The explanatory design of our mixed methods study was based on an online, anonymous, self-administered survey targeted toward European medical students. A linear regression analysis was used to identify the influence of the year of medical studies on the responses. Additional analysis was performed by grouping the responses by the self-evaluated frequency of eHealth technology use. Written responses to four qualitative questions in the survey were analyzed using an inductive approach. Results: The survey received a total of 451 responses from 39 European countries, and there were respondents for every year of medical studies. The majority of respondents saw advantages in the use of digital health. While 40.6{\%} (183/451) felt prepared to work in a digitized health care system, more than half (240/451, 53.2{\%}) evaluated their eHealth skills as poor or very poor. Medical students considered lack of education to be the reason for this, with 84.9{\%} (383/451) agreeing or strongly agreeing that more digital health education should be implemented in the medical curriculum. Students demanded introductory and specific eHealth courses covering data management, ethical aspects, legal frameworks, research and entrepreneurial opportunities, role in public health and health systems, communication skills, and practical training. The emphasis lay on tailoring learning to future job requirements and interprofessional education. Conclusions: This study shows a lack of digital health-related formats in medical education and a perceived lack of digital health literacy among European medical students. Our findings indicate a gap between the willingness of medical students to take an active role by becoming key players in the digital transformation of health care and the education that they receive through their faculties. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/19827", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/8/e19827/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/19827", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32667899" }