@Article{info:doi/10.2196/19378,作者=“van der Windt, Melissa和van der Kleij, Rianne Maria和Snoek, Katinka Marianne和Willemsen, Sten Paul和Dykgraaf, Ramon Henny Maria和Laven, Joop Stephanus Elisabeth和Schoenmakers, Sam和Steegers-Theunissen, R{\'e}gine Patricia Maria”,标题=“混合围生期生活方式护理方法对生活方式行为的影响:“前后研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2020”,月=“Sep”,日=“30”,卷=“22”,号=“9”,页=“e19378”,关键词=“eHealth”;periconception时期;生活方式干预”,摘要=“背景:孕产期生活方式行为影响母亲、父亲、后代和跨代健康结局。先前对其他目标人群的研究表明,个性化的生活方式干预,其中面对面咨询和电子健康(“混合护理”)相结合,可以有效地针对这些生活方式行为。目的:我们旨在评估围观生活方式干预对改善特定生活方式成分的有效性。方法:将门诊生活方式咨询服务“健康妊娠”与电子健康平台“智慧妊娠”(www.smarterpregnancy.co.uk)相结合,采用混合的围孕期生活方式护理方法,指导24周的生活方式。2018年6月至12月期间前往荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯谟大学医学中心(Erasmus MC)妇产科门诊就诊的所有考虑怀孕或已经怀孕(怀孕≤12周)的夫妇都被邀请参加。我们在第12周和第24周与基线相比测量了生活方式行为的变化。使用广义估计方程来分析生活方式行为随时间的变化。 Subgroup analyses were performed for women with obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2), women pregnant at the start of the intervention, and those participating as a couple. Results: A total of 539 women were screened for eligibility, and 450 women and 61 men received the blended periconception intervention. Among the participating women, 58.4{\%} (263/450) were included in the preconception period. Moreover, 78.9{\%} (403/511) of the included participants completed the online lifestyle coaching. At baseline, at least one poor lifestyle behavior was present in most women (379/450, 84.2{\%}) and men (58/61, 95.1{\%}). In the total group, median fruit intake increased from 1.8 to 2.2 pieces/day (P<.001) and median vegetable intake increased from 151 to 165 grams/day (P<.001) after 24 weeks of online coaching. The probability of taking folic acid supplementation among women increased from 0.97 to 1 (P<.001), and the probability of consuming alcohol and using tobacco in the total group decreased from 0.25 to 0.19 (P=.002) and from 0.20 to 0.15 (P=.63), respectively. Overall, the program showed the strongest effectiveness for participating couples. Particularly for vegetable and fruit intake, their consumption increased from 158 grams/day and 1.8 pieces/day at baseline to 190 grams/day and 2.7 pieces/day at the end of the intervention, respectively. Conclusions: We succeeded in including most participating women in the preconception period. A high compliance rate was achieved and users demonstrated improvements in several lifestyle components. The blended periconception lifestyle care approach seems to be an effective method to improve lifestyle behaviors. The next step is to further disseminate this approach and to perform a randomized trial to compare the use of blended care with the provision of only eHealth. Additionally, the clinical relevance of these results will need to be substantiated further. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/19378", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/9/e19378/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/19378", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32996885" }