@Article{info:doi/10.2196/19788,作者=“Husnayain, Atina and Shim, Eunha and Fuad, Anis and Su, Emily Chia-Yu”,标题=“了解韩国新冠肺炎疫情的社区风险认知:信息流行病学研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2020”,月=“9”,日=“29”,卷=“22”,数=“9”,页=“e19788”,关键词=“Google Trends”;风险;知觉;沟通;COVID-19;韩国;爆发;背景:韩国是在应对冠状病毒大流行方面表现最好的国家之一,韩国采用了大规模驾车通过式检测、使用口罩和广泛的社交距离。然而,了解风险认知模式也可促进有效的风险沟通,以尽量减少危机期间疾病传播的影响。目的:我们试图利用互联网搜索数据探索韩国社区对COVID-19的健康风险认知模式。 Methods: Google Trends (GT) and NAVER relative search volumes (RSVs) data were collected using COVID-19--related terms in the Korean language and were retrieved according to time, gender, age groups, types of device, and location. Online queries were compared to the number of daily new COVID-19 cases and tests reported in the Kaggle open-access data set for the time period of December 5, 2019, to May 31, 2020. Time-lag correlations calculated by Spearman rank correlation coefficients were employed to assess whether correlations between new COVID-19 cases and internet searches were affected by time. We also constructed a prediction model of new COVID-19 cases using the number of COVID-19 cases, tests, and GT and NAVER RSVs in lag periods (of 1-3 days). Single and multiple regressions were employed using backward elimination and a variance inflation factor of <5. Results: The numbers of COVID-19--related queries in South Korea increased during local events including local transmission, approval of coronavirus test kits, implementation of coronavirus drive-through tests, a face mask shortage, and a widespread campaign for social distancing as well as during international events such as the announcement of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the World Health Organization. Online queries were also stronger in women (r=0.763-0.823; P<.001) and age groups ≤29 years (r=0.726-0.821; P<.001), 30-44 years (r=0.701-0.826; P<.001), and ≥50 years (r=0.706-0.725; P<.001). In terms of spatial distribution, internet search data were higher in affected areas. Moreover, greater correlations were found in mobile searches (r=0.704-0.804; P<.001) compared to those of desktop searches (r=0.705-0.717; P<.001), indicating changing behaviors in searching for online health information during the outbreak. These varied internet searches related to COVID-19 represented community health risk perceptions. In addition, as a country with a high number of coronavirus tests, results showed that adults perceived coronavirus test--related information as being more important than disease-related knowledge. Meanwhile, younger, and older age groups had different perceptions. Moreover, NAVER RSVs can potentially be used for health risk perception assessments and disease predictions. Adding COVID-19--related searches provided by NAVER could increase the performance of the model compared to that of the COVID-19 case--based model and potentially be used to predict epidemic curves. Conclusions: The use of both GT and NAVER RSVs to explore patterns of community health risk perceptions could be beneficial for targeting risk communication from several perspectives, including time, population characteristics, and location. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/19788", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/9/e19788/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/19788", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32931446" }