@Article{信息:doi/10.2196/23389,作者=“Parker, Kate和Uddin, Riaz和Ridgers, Nicola D和Brown, Helen和Veitch, Jenny和Salmon, Jo和Timperio, Anna和Sahlqvist, Shannon和Cassar, Samuel和Toffoletti, Kim和Maddison, Ralph和Arundell, Lauren”,标题=“在COVID-19大流行(我们的家庭生活)期间使用数字平台进行成人和青少年的身体活动:“调查研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2021”,月=“Feb”,日=“1”,卷=“23”,号=“2”,页=“e23389”,关键词=“数字健康;中等至高强度的体力活动;每周进行锻炼;在线平台;背景:政府应对COVID-19大流行的措施可能影响了个人参与体育活动的方式。数字平台是支持身体活动水平的一种很有前途的方式,可能为人们在家里保持活动提供了另一种选择。目的:本研究旨在研究2020年4月和5月2019冠状病毒病居家限制期间澳大利亚成年人和青少年使用数字平台与遵守体育活动指南之间的关系。方法:于2020年5月进行全国在线调查。参与者包括1188名成年人(平均年龄37.4岁,标准差15.1; 980/1188, 82.5{\%} female) and 963 adolescents (mean age 16.2 years, SD 1.2; 685/963, 71.1{\%} female). Participants reported demographic characteristics, use of digital platforms for physical activity over the previous month, and adherence to moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) and muscle-strengthening exercise (MSE) guidelines. Multilevel logistic regression models examined differences in guideline adherence between those who used digital platforms (ie, users) to support their physical activity compared to those who did not (ie, nonusers). Results: Digital platforms include streaming services for exercise (eg, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook); subscriber fitness programs, via an app or online (eg, Centr and MyFitnessPal); facilitated online live or recorded classes, via platforms such as Zoom (eg, dance, sport training, and fitness class); sport- or activity-specific apps designed by sporting organizations for participants to keep up their skills (eg, TeamBuildr); active electronic games (eg, Xbox Kinect); and/or online or digital training or racing platforms (eg, Zwift, FullGaz, and Rouvy). Overall, 39.5{\%} (469/1188) of adults and 26.5{\%} (255/963) of adolescents reported using digital platforms for physical activity. Among adults, MVPA (odds ratio [OR] 2.0, 95{\%} CI 1.5-2.7), MSE (OR 3.3, 95{\%} CI 2.5-4.5), and combined (OR 2.7, 95{\%} CI 2.0-3.8) guideline adherence were higher among digital platform users relative to nonusers. Adolescents' MVPA (OR 2.4, 95{\%} CI 1.3-4.3), MSE (OR 3.1, 95{\%} CI 2.1-4.4), and combined (OR 4.3, 95{\%} CI 2.1-9.0) guideline adherence were also higher among users of digital platforms relative to nonusers. Conclusions: Digital platform users were more likely than nonusers to meet MVPA and MSE guidelines during the COVID-19 stay-at-home restrictions in April and May 2020. Digital platforms may play a critical role in helping to support physical activity engagement when access to facilities or opportunities for physical activity outside the home are restricted. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/23389", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2021/2/e23389", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/23389", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33481759" }