@文章{info:doi/10.2196/24053,作者=《莫、韩凤洁、方、Vivian Wai In、宋、波、迪、江丽、王、倩、王林红:新冠肺炎大流行期间中国孕妇感知威胁、负面情绪和自我效能感与心理健康和个人保护行为的关系:横向调查研究》,期刊=《J医学互联网研究》,年=“2021”,月=“4”,日=“12”,卷=“23”,数=“4”,页=“e24053”,关键词=“COVID-19;孕妇;抑郁症;焦虑;自我效能感;心理健康;调查;威胁;背景:COVID-19是一种新出现的传染病,给全球卫生保健带来了挑战。孕妇尤其受这种疾病的影响。 Objective: The aims of this study are to assess the levels of perceived threat (susceptibility, severity, impact), negative emotions (fear, worry), and self-efficacy of pregnant women in China related to COVID-19 and to examine their associations with mental health (depression and anxiety) and personal protective behavior (wearing a face mask). Methods: A total of 4087 pregnant women from China completed a cross-sectional web-based survey between March 3 and 10, 2020. Results: The prevalence of probable depression and anxiety was 48.7{\%} (1989/4087) and 33.0{\%} (1347/4087), respectively; 23.8{\%} participants (974/4087) reported always wearing a face mask when going out. Of the 4087 participants, 32.1{\%} (1313) and 36.4{\%} (1490) perceived themselves or their family members to be susceptible to COVID-19 infection, respectively; 3216-3518 (78.7{\%}-86.1{\%}) agreed the disease would have various severe consequences. Additionally, 2275 of the 4087 participants (55.7{\%}) showed self-efficacy in protecting themselves from contracting COVID-19, and 2232 (54.6{\%}) showed efficacy in protecting their family members; 1303 (31.9{\%}) reported a high level of fear of the disease, and 2780-3056 (68.0{\%}-74.8{\%}) expressed worry about various aspects of COVID-19. The results of the multivariate multinominal logistic regression analyses showed that perceived severity, perceived impact, fear, and worry were risk factors for probable depression and anxiety, while self-efficacy was a protective factor. The results of the multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that perceived susceptibility was associated with always wearing a face mask. Conclusions: Chinese pregnant women showed high levels of mental distress but low levels of personal protective behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. Interventions are needed to promote the mental health and health behavior of pregnant women during the pandemic. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/24053", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2021/4/e24053", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/24053", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33729983" }