@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/38015,作者=“Darko, Elizabeth Mirekuwaa and Kleib, Manal and Olson, Joanne”,标题=“社交媒体用于研究参与者招募:综合文献综述”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2022”,月=“8”,日=“4”,卷=“24”,数=“8”,页=“e38015”,关键词=“广告;招聘;研究参与者;社交媒体;背景:社交媒体工具为卫生研究人员提供了以非传统方式与社区和团体接触的机会,以招募健康研究参与者。利用社交媒体宣传研究机会并招募参与者有助于接触到来自广泛地理区域和不同人群的参与者。然而,伦理审查委员会很少指导研究人员在他们的研究中有效地使用这种招聘方法。目的:本研究旨在探索使用社交媒体招募研究研究参与者的文献,并确定使用这种方法招募参与者的最佳实践。方法:采用综合综述的方法对文献进行综合。采用预先设定的关键词和纳入排除标准,检索了EMBASE (Ovid)、MEDLINE (Ovid和EBSCOhost)、PsycINFO (Ovid)、Scopus (Elsevier)和CINAHL Plus with Full Text (EBSCOhost) 5个健康科学数据库。 The initial search was conducted in October 2020 and was updated in February 2022. Descriptive and content analyses were applied to synthesize the results, and the findings are presented in a narrative and tabular format. Results: A total of 96 records were included in this review, 83 (86{\%}) from the initial search and 13 (14{\%}) from the updated search. The publication year ranged between 2011 and 2022, with most publications (63/96, 66{\%}) being from the United States. Regarding recruitment strategy, 45{\%} (43/96) of the studies exclusively used social media, whereas 51{\%} (49/96) used social media in conjunction with other strategies. The remaining 4{\%} (4/96) provided guidelines and recommendations for social media recruitment. Notably, 38{\%} (36/96) of these studies involved hard-to-reach populations. The findings also revealed that the use of social media is a cost-effective and efficient strategy for recruiting research participants. Despite the expanded use across different populations, there is limited participation of older adults in social media recruitment. Conclusions: This review provides important insights into the current use of social media for health research participant recruitment. Ethics boards and research support services in academic institutions are encouraged to explicitly provide researchers with guidelines on the use of social media for health research participant recruitment. A preliminary guideline prepared based on the findings of this review is proposed to spark further development in this area. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/38015", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2022/8/e38015", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/38015", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35925655" }