@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/29927,作者=“Iglesias, Natalia和Juarez, Jose M和Campos, Manuel”,标题=“感染临床路径标准的业务流程模型、符号和openEHR任务规划:关键分析”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2022”,月=“9”,日=“15”,卷=“24”,号=“9”,页=“e29927”,关键词=“openEHR任务规划”;业务流程模型和符号;BPMN;临床路径;导管相关性血流感染;CR-BSI;背景:临床路径(clinical pathways, CPs)通常通过工作流程形式化来表达,为医护人员提供了一个易于理解的、针对特定患者情况的医疗步骤的高层次概念模型,从而提高临床实践中医疗过程的整体质量。从标准化的角度来看,业务流程模型和表示法(BPMN)是一种广泛传播的通用流程形式,已被用于临床领域的概念建模,主要是因为其易于使用的图形表示法,促进了医疗保健相关各方的共同理解和沟通。然而,BPMN并不特别面向复杂临床过程的特点,如感染诊断和治疗,其中时间起着关键作用,这就是为什么许多BPMN临床导向的研究都围绕着如何扩展标准来满足这些特殊需求。从一个不可知的、通用的BPMN符号转变为一个面向临床的符号,如开放式电子病历任务计划(TP),可能是临床过程改进的重要一步,增强了cp在感染治疗和其他复杂情况下的代表性。 Objective: Our work aimed to analyze the suitability of a clinical-oriented formalism (TP) to successfully represent typical process patterns in infection treatment, identifying domain-specific improvements to the standard that could help enhance its modeling capabilities, thereby promoting the widespread adoption of CPs to improve medical practice and overall health care quality. Methods: Our methodology consisted of 4 major steps: identification of key features of infection CPs through literature review, clinical guideline analysis, and BPMN extensions; analysis of the presence of key features in TP; modeling of relevant process patterns of catheter-related bloodstream infection as a case study; and analysis and proposal of extensions in view of the results. Results: We were able to easily represent the same logic applied in the extended BPMN-based process models in our case study using out-of-the-box standard TP primitives. However, we identified possible improvements to the current version of TP to allow for simpler conceptual models of infection CPs and possibly of other complex clinical scenarios. Conclusions: Our study showed that the clinical-oriented TP specification is able to successfully represent the most complex catheter-related bloodstream infection process patterns depicted in our case study and identified possible extensions that can help increase its adequacy for modeling infection CPs and possibly other complex clinical conditions. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/29927", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2022/9/e29927", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/29927", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36107480" }