@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/41260,作者=“Merch{\'a}n- baeza, Jose Antonio和Borralleras Andreu, Cristina和Minobes-Molina, edward和Grau Carri{\'o}n, Sergi和Romero-Mas, Montse和Ramon-Aribau, Anna”,标题=“医疗护理人员共同创造的技术解决方案:系统评价”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2023”,月=“5”,日=“1”,卷=“25”,页=“e41260”,关键词=“共同创造”;技术解决方案;护理人员;卫生保健;系统评价;,摘要=“背景:对护理人员的支持干预可以减轻他们的压力,可能提高患者的护理质量,同时降低护理成本。”技术解决方案已经被设计用来满足他们的需求,但是要使它们真正对最终用户起作用还存在一些挑战。共同设计方法为吸引不同人群帮助确保技术解决方案具有包容性和可及性提供了重要机会。目的:本研究旨在确定共同创造的技术解决方案,以及他们共同创造的过程,在护理人员的健康领域。方法:在Medline、Web of Science、Scopus、Science Direct、Scielo和IEEE Xplore数据库中进行文献综述。 The inclusion criteria were studies written in English or Spanish and with a publication date until May 2021. The content had to specify that the caregivers actively participated in the co-creation process, which covered until the development phase of the technological solution (prototype). The level of evidence and the methodological quality were analyzed when possible, using the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network criteria and the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool, version 2018, respectively. Results: In total, 410 papers were identified, and 11 met the eligibility criteria. The most predominant articles were mixed methods studies and qualitative studies. The technology used in the analyzed articles were mobile or web applications (9 studies) and specific devices such as sensors, cameras, or alarm systems (2 studies) to support the health and social aspects of caregivers and improve their education in care. The most common patient profile was older people (7 studies); 6 studies used co-creation in the requirements phase, 6 studies detailed the design phase. In 9 studies, the prototype was iteratively refined in the development phase, and the validation phase was performed in 5 of the reviewed studies. Conclusions: This systematic review suggests that existing co-created technological solutions in the field of health for caregivers are mostly mobile or web applications to support caregivers' social health and well-being and improve their health knowledge when delivering care to patients, especially older people. As for the co-creation process, caregivers are particularly involved during development and in the design. The scarce literature found indicates that further research with higher methodological quality is needed. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/41260", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2023/1/e41260", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/41260", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/371263" }