@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir.5.2。e11,作者="Costello, Sean SP和Johnston, Daniel J和Dervan, Peter A和O'Shea, Daniel G",标题="虚拟病理幻灯片的开发和评估:一种新的心灵病理学工具",期刊="J医学互联网研究",年="2003",月="六月",日="13",卷="5",数="2",页数="e11",关键词="心灵病理学;互联网;telemicroscopy;远程诊断;虚拟幻灯片;病理学;背景:虚拟病理切片是一种交互式显微镜模拟器,通过互联网或CD-ROM显示一个完整的15.53 mm x 11.61 mm的数字化组织切片。虚拟病理幻灯片模拟了显微镜的使用,包括放大倍数的逐步增加(从16倍增加到2000倍)和在X和Y笛卡尔方向上的横向运动。这使得病理学家可以在任何放大倍率下浏览载玻片上的任何区域,类似于传统显微镜。 Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic accuracy and acceptability of the Virtual Pathology Slide. Methods: Ten breast needle core biopsies were randomly selected and presented to 17 pathologists or trainee pathologists with at least 2 years experience in pathology practice. Participants were required to examine each case online and provide a diagnostic classification using online feedback forms. The recorded data permitted examination of interobserver variability and user satisfaction. Results: Agreement between original glass-slide diagnosis and consensus diagnosis using the Virtual Pathology Slide was reached in 9 out of 10 slides. Percentage concordance for slides lay in the range of 35.3{\%} to 100{\%} with an average percentage concordance between slides of 66.5{\%}. The average Kappa statistics for interobserver agreement was 0.75 while average percentage concordance amongst participants was 66.5{\%}. Participants looked at an average of 22 fields of view while examining each slide. Confidence: 81.25{\%} of the participants indicated confidence using the Virtual Pathology Slide to make a diagnostic decision, with 56.25{\%} describing themselves as ``reasonably confident,'' 18.75{\%} as ``confident,'' and 6.25{\%} as ``very confident.'' Ease of use: 68.75{\%} reported the system as ``easy'' or ``very easy'' to use. Satisfaction: 87.5{\%} of participants expressed satisfaction with image quality, with 43.75{\%} describing the image quality as ``adequate,'' 25{\%} describing it as ``good,'' and 18.75{\%} describing the image quality as ``excellent.'' Pathologists with a working bandwidth greater than 20 kilobits per second found the download speed of the Virtual Pathology Slide ``adequate'' or better. Conclusions: Results from this study show that the Virtual Pathology Slide can be used to make a correct diagnostic decision, and that the system is a realistic alternative to dynamic telepathology. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.5.2.e11", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2003/2/e11/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.5.2.e11", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12857667" }