@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir.6.1。e10,作者="D{\o}rup, Jens",标题="丹麦一年级医学生对信息技术的体验和态度:纵向问卷调查",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2004",月=" 3 ",日="5",卷="6",数="1",页数="e10",关键词="信息技术;互联网;电子邮件;学生,医学;背景:随着越来越多的信息技术(IT)资源用于支持基于校园的医学教育和基于网络的学习,绘制可供医学生使用的信息技术资源以及学生对其使用的态度变得越来越有趣。目的:为了确定在医学课程中如何广泛和有效地教授信息处理技能,该研究调查了互联网和计算机的可用性和使用情况,以及丹麦奥胡斯医学院一年级学生在五年期间对信息技术的态度。方法:在1998年至2002年期间,医学院第一学期开始的学生被教授有关在学习中有效使用信息技术的课程。作为辅导课程的一部分,学生须完成一份网上问卷,其中包括有关资讯科技的准备情况和使用资讯科技进行学习的态度的问题。结果:共有1159名学生(78{\%})回应。 Overall, 71.7{\%} of the respondents indicating they had access to a computer at home, a number that did not change significantly during the study period. Over time, the power of students' computers and the use of e-mail and Internet did increase significantly. By fall 2002, approximately 90{\%} of students used e-mail regularly, 80{\%} used the Internet regularly, and 60{\%} had access to the Internet from home. Significantly more males than females had access to a computer at home, and males had a more positive attitude towards the use of computers in their medical studies. A fairly constant number of students (3-7{\%}) stated that they would prefer not to have to use computers in their studies. Conclusions: Taken together with our experience from classroom teaching, these results indicate optional teaching of basic information technology still needs to be integrated into medical studies, and that this need does not seem likely to disappear in the near future. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.6.1.e10", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2004/1/e10/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6.1.e10", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15111276" }