@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir.6.1。e11,作者="Balen, Robert M and Jewesson, Peter J",标题="药师计算机技能和需求评估调查",期刊="J医学互联网研究",年="2004",月=" 3 ",日="29",卷="6",数="1",页数="e11",关键词="计算机素养;药房;临床信息学;需求评估;药剂师;背景:为了有效地利用技术促进病人护理,药剂师必须具备各种计算机技能。我们最近在这家加拿大医院的临床服务部门引入了一个新颖的应用信息学项目,以提高我们成员的信息学技能。目的:在实施应用信息学项目之前,本研究旨在更好地了解我院药剂师的基本计算机技能和需求。方法:2001年5月,一项包含84个问题的书面调查通过邮件分发给我们位于不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华市的多站点、1500张床位、急性成人三级护理的加拿大教学医院的106名执业医院药剂师。 Results: Fifty-eight surveys (55{\%} of total) were returned within the two-week study period. The survey responses reflected the opinions of licensed BSc and PharmD hospital pharmacists with a broad range of pharmacy practice experience. Most respondents had home access to personal computers, and regularly used computers in the work environment for drug distribution, information management, and communication purposes. Few respondents reported experience with handheld computers. Software use experience varied according to application. Although patient-care information software and e-mail were commonly used, experience with spreadsheet, statistical, and presentation software was negligible. The respondents were familiar with Internet search engines, and these were reported to be the most common method of seeking clinical information online. Although many respondents rated themselves as being generally computer literate and not particularly anxious about using computers, the majority believed they required more training to reach their desired level of computer literacy. Lack of familiarity with computer-related terms was prevalent. Self-reported basic computer skill was typically at a moderate level, and varied depending on the task. Specifically, respondents rated their ability to manipulate files, use software help features, and install software as low, but rated their ability to access and navigate the Internet as high. Respondents were generally aware of what online resources were available to them and Clinical Pharmacology was the most commonly employed reference. In terms of anticipated needs, most pharmacists believed they needed to upgrade their computer skills. Medical database and Internet searching skills were identified as those in greatest need of improvement. Conclusions: Most pharmacists believed they needed to upgrade their computer skills. Medical database and Internet searching skills were identified as those in greatest need of improvement for the purposes of improving practice effectiveness. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.6.1.e11", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2004/1/e11/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6.1.e11", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15111277" }