@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir.6.1。e7,作者="Bernhardt, Jay M and Felter, Elizabeth M",标题="幼儿母亲在线儿科信息搜索:来自焦点小组定性研究的结果",期刊="J医学互联网研究",年="2004",月=" 3 ",日="1",卷="6",数="1",页数="e7",关键词="互联网;儿科;焦点小组;母亲;背景:产前和产后是许多妇女积极从包括互联网在内的多种来源寻求健康信息的时期。然而,很少有人知道孕妇和幼儿的母亲是如何在网上寻找和处理儿科健康信息的。目的:探讨幼儿的母亲为什么以及在哪里寻找在线健康信息,以及她们如何确定她们收到的信息是否值得信赖。方法:在美国东南部的一个城市进行焦点小组调查,以深入探讨在家庭内外工作的母亲的网络相关行为和信仰。采用演绎和归纳编码方案对焦点小组的数据进行编码,并对内容进行主题存在性分析。 Results: Twenty mothers of young children participated in four focus groups. Most participants sought information on the Internet during pregnancy and nearly all sought online information after their child was born, primarily to diagnose or treat pediatric conditions and to seek advice on parenting and development. Participants mainly used commercial information websites for health information and many expressed disdain for commercial product websites. Many also expressed concerns about the reliability of health information on the web and described strategies for determining how much they trust each website. Conclusions: Women appear to be high information seekers during pregnancy and the first few years following delivery, and this period represents an important window of time for providing online health information. Participants suggested that online information sources and motives for providing online information should be clear in order to increase perceptions of trust. Participants expressed preference for online clinical health information that is presented by clinical professionals, and online parenting advice that is presented from other parents. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.6.1.e7", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2004/1/e5/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6.1.e7", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15111273" }