@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir.7.4。e46,作者=“Rizo, Carlos A和Lupea, Doina和Baybourdy, Homayoun和Anderson, Matthew和Closson, Tom和Jadad, Alejandro R”,标题=“疫情期间患者希望医院提供什么样的互联网服务?”《多伦多SARS疫情的启示》,期刊=《医学网络研究》,年=“2005”,月=“8”,日=“3”,卷=“7”,数=“4”,页数=“e46”,关键词=“严重急性呼吸综合征;正在出现的传染病;信息服务;互联网;公共卫生;背景:国际卫生组织和官员正在为大流行做准备。虽然2003年在多伦多爆发的严重急性呼吸系统综合症(萨斯)没有达到这种程度,但它创造了一个独特的机会,以确定最佳使用互联网,以促进与公众的交流,并在流行病期间保持保健服务。目的:本研究的目的是探讨患者对可能通过互联网提供的卫生服务的态度,以补充在未来大规模紧急情况下传统可用的卫生服务。 Methods: We conducted ``mask-to-mask'' surveys of patients at three major teaching hospitals in Toronto during the second outbreak of SARS. Patients were surveyed at the hospital entrances and selected clinics. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression models were used for the analysis. Results: In total, 1019 of 1130 patients responded to the survey (90{\%} overall response rate). With respect to Internet use, 70{\%} (711/1019) used the Internet by themselves and 57{\%} (578/1019) with the help of a friend or family member. Of the Internet users, 68{\%} (485/711) had already searched the World Wide Web for health information, and 75{\%} (533/711) were interested in communicating with health professionals using the Internet as part of their ongoing care. Internet users expressed interest in using the Web for the following reasons: to learn about their health condition through patient education materials (84{\%}), to obtain information about the status of their clinic appointments (83{\%}), to send feedback to the hospital about how to improve its services (77{\%}), to access screening tools to help determine if they were potentially affected by the infectious agent responsible for the outbreak (77{\%}), to renew prescriptions (75{\%}), to consult with their health professional about nonurgent matters (75{\%}), and to access laboratory test results (75{\%}). Regression results showed that younger age, higher education, and English as a first language were predictors of patients' interest in using Internet services in the event of an epidemic. Conclusion: Most patients are willing and able to use the Internet as a means to maintain communication with the hospital during an outbreak of an infectious disease such as SARS. Hospitals should explore new ways to interact with the public, to provide relevant health information, and to ensure continuity of care when they are forced to restrict their services. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.7.4.e46", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2005/4/e46/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.7.4.e46", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16236698" }