@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir.9.2。e8,作者=“Koru, G{\"u}nes和El Emam, Khaled和Neisa, Angelica和Umarji, Medha”,标题=“生物医学开源软件项目质量保证实践调查”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2007”,月=“May”,日=“07”,卷=“9”,数=“2”,页=“e8”,关键词=“开源软件”;医学信息学;计算生物学;信息系统;软件质量保证;软件/程序验证;代码检查和演练;背景:开源(OS)软件在生物医学领域,如健康信息学和生物信息学中不断得到认可和使用。目标:考虑到该领域应用程序的关键任务性质及其对患者安全的潜在影响,了解生物医学操作系统开发人员执行标准质量保证(QA)活动(如同行评审和测试)的程度和有效程度非常重要。 This would allow the users of biomedical OS software to better understand the quality risks, if any, and the developers to identify process improvement opportunities to produce higher quality software. Methods: A survey of developers working on biomedical OS projects was conducted to examine the QA activities that are performed. We took a descriptive approach to summarize the implementation of QA activities and then examined some of the factors that may be related to the implementation of such practices. Results: Our descriptive results show that 63{\%} (95{\%} CI, 54-72) of projects did not include peer reviews in their development process, while 82{\%} (95{\%} CI, 75-89) did include testing. Approximately 74{\%} (95{\%} CI, 67-81) of developers did not have a background in computing, 80{\%} (95{\%} CI, 74-87) were paid for their contributions to the project, and 52{\%} (95{\%} CI, 43-60) had PhDs. A multivariate logistic regression model to predict the implementation of peer reviews was not significant (likelihood ratio test = 16.86, 9 df, P = .051) and neither was a model to predict the implementation of testing (likelihood ratio test = 3.34, 9 df, P = .95). Conclusions: Less attention is paid to peer review than testing. However, the former is a complementary, and necessary, QA practice rather than an alternative. Therefore, one can argue that there are quality risks, at least at this point in time, in transitioning biomedical OS software into any critical settings that may have operational, financial, or safety implications. Developers of biomedical OS applications should invest more effort in implementing systemic peer review practices throughout the development and maintenance processes. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.9.2.e8", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2007/2/e8/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.9.2.e8", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17513286" }