I Gunther Eysenbach招募到一项基于web的随机营养干预试验:参与者与非参与者的特征比较%A Stopponi,Melanie A %A Alexander,Gwen L %A McClure,Jennifer B %A Carroll,Nikki M %A Divine,George W %A Calvi,Josephine H %A Rolnick,Sharon J %A Strecher,Victor J %A Johnson,Christine Cole %A Ritzwoller,Debra P %+健康研究所,Kaiser Permanente,科罗拉多州,邮箱378066,CO 80237-8066, USA, +1 303 614 1207,Melanie.A.Stopponi@kp.org %K招募%K网络干预%K做出有效的营养选择%K癌症研究网络%K CRN %K水果和蔬菜%K研究课题选择%K选择%K患者%K大规模筛查%K互联网%K动机%K文化多样性%K健康维护组织%D 2009 %7 26.8.2009 %9原创论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:基于网络的行为项目有效地向广大人群传播健康信息,而在线定制可能会提高其有效性。虽然基于互联网的行为干预的数量在过去几年有所增长,但需要更多的信息来了解参与这些干预的受试者相对于被邀请参与的受试者的特征。目的:本研究的目的是比较参加在线饮食干预试验(MENU)的参与者与被邀请但选择不参加的参与者的特征,以便更好地了解这些组之间的差异。方法:MENU试验是在与密歇根大学健康传播研究中心合作的HMO癌症研究网络的五个健康计划中进行的。每个站点随机挑选年龄在21至65岁之间的约6000名健康计划成员,按性别分层,对少数族裔人口进行过采样,并向他们邮寄了一封包含网站信息的邀请函和一张2美元的账单,承诺完成后续调查可获得20美元。使用地理编码的基于行政和区域的数据以及基线调查数据被用于比较受邀者(HMO成员发送了介绍信)、应答者(在网站上输入了研究ID的人)和注册者(完成了注册过程的人)。采用广义估计方程、多元回归和逻辑回归模型评估反应和入组的预测因素。 Results: Of 28,460 members invited to participate, 4270 (15.0%) accessed the website. Of the eligible responders, 2540 (8.9%) completed the consent form and baseline survey and were enrolled and randomized. The odds of responding were 10% lower for every decade of increased age (P < .001), while the likelihood of enrolling was 10% higher for every decade increase in age (P < .001). Women were more likely to respond and to enroll (P < .001). Those living in a census tract associated with higher education levels were more likely to respond and enroll, as well as those residing in tracts with higher income (P < .001). With a 22% (n = 566) enrollment rate for African Americans and 8% (n = 192) for Hispanics, the enrolled sample was more racially and ethnically diverse than the background sampling frame. Conclusions: Relative to members invited to participate in the Internet-based intervention, those who enrolled were more likely to be older and live in census tracts associated with higher socioeconomic status. While oversampling of minority health plan members generated an enrolled sample that was more racially and ethnically diverse than the overall health plan population, additional research is needed to better understand methods that will expand the penetration of Internet interventions into more socioeconomically diverse populations. Trial Registration: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT00169312; http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00169312 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/5jB50xSfU) %M 19709990 %R 10.2196/jmir.1086 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2009/3/e38/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1086 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19709990