%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I Gunther Eysenbach %V 12 %N 2 %P e10 %T移动治疗:情感自我意识手机应用评估案例研究% a Morris,Margaret E % a Kathawala,Qusai % a Leen,Todd K % a Gorenstein,Ethan E % a Guilak,Farzin % a Labhard,Michael % a Deleeuw,William %+数字健康集团,英特尔公司,20270 NW Amberglen Court, AG1-102,比弗顿,OR 97006, 1 971 285 6815,margaret.morris@intel.com %K情绪手机%K体验采样法%K生态瞬间评估%K认知行为治疗%K影响%K情绪%K情绪%K手机%K自我评估%K情绪地图%K手机%K心理治疗%K压力%K技术%K采样%K用户中心设计%D 2010 %7 30.04.2010 %9原创论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:情绪意识和自我调节是改善心理健康和降低心血管疾病风险的重要技能。认知行为疗法可以教授这些技能,但并不广泛应用。目的:这项探索性研究考察了手机技术在拓宽认知行为治疗技术和提供即时支持方面的潜力。方法:我们开发了一款带有触屏量表的手机应用程序,用于情绪报告和认知重新评估(即,检查不良适应解释)和身体放松的治疗练习。该应用程序被部署在一个月的实地研究中,有8个人在员工健康评估中报告了显著的压力。研究人员通过手机提示参与者在情绪地图(情绪循环模型的翻译)和一系列单维度情绪量表上每天报告几次他们的情绪。使用这个原型,参与者还可以根据需要激活移动疗法。 During weekly open-ended interviews, participants discussed their use of the device and responded to longitudinal views of their data. Analyses included a thematic review of interview narratives, assessment of mood changes over the course of the study and the diurnal cycle, and interrogation of this mobile data based on stressful incidents reported in interviews. Results: Five case studies illustrate participants' use of the mobile phone application to increase self-awareness and to cope with stress. One example is a participant who had been coping with longstanding marital conflict. After reflecting on his mood data, particularly a drop in energy each evening, the participant began practicing relaxation therapies on the phone before entering his house, applying cognitive reappraisal techniques to cope with stressful family interactions, and talking more openly with his wife. His mean anger, anxiety and sadness ratings all were lower in the second half of the field study than in the first (P ≤ .01 for all three scales). Similar changes were observed among other participants as they used the application to negotiate bureaucratic frustrations, work tensions and personal relationships. Participants appeared to understand the mood scales developed for this experience sampling application and responded to them in a way that was generally consistent with self-reflection in weekly interviews. Interview accounts of mood changes, associated with diurnal cycles, personal improvement over the course of the study, and stressful episodes, could be seen in the experience sampling data. Discrepancies between interview and experience-sampling data highlighted the ways that individuals responded to the two forms of inquiry and how they calibrated mood ratings over the course of the study. Conclusions: Participants quickly grasped the Mood Mapping and therapeutic concepts, and applied them creatively in order to help themselves and empathize with others. Applications developed for mobile phones hold promise for delivering state-of-the-art psychotherapies in a nonstigmatizing fashion to many people who otherwise would not have access to therapy. %M 20439251 %R 10.2196/jmir.1371 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2010/2/e10/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1371 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20439251