期刊文章Gunther Eysenbach网络使用技能差异对在线健康信息搜索意味着什么?德国马克斯·普朗克人类发展研究所风险认知中心,适应性行为与认知中心,柏林,14195,49 3082406 ext 292,feufel@mpib-berlin.mpg.de %K公共信息获取%K计算机素养%K信息寻求行为%K患者教育分发%K人为因素%K数字分割%K信息检索%D 2012 %7 13.06.2012 %9原创论文%J J医学互联网资源%G英语%X背景:在线健康信息变化不定,科学质量往往较低。特别是受教育程度较低的老年人,据说很难获得高质量的在线信息(数字鸿沟)。对于(1)他们的上网行为与更年轻、受教育程度更高、上网频率更高的用户有何不同,以及(2)如何支持老年人获取高质量的在线健康信息,我们知之甚少。目的:为了明确熟练和不熟练Web用户之间的数字鸿沟,我们评估了技术技能、认知策略和对在线健康信息态度的定性差异。基于这些发现,我们确定了教育和技术干预措施,以帮助Web用户找到和访问高质量的在线健康信息。方法:我们让22名母语为德语的成年人在网上搜索健康信息。技术熟练组由10名年龄小于30岁、教育水平较高、使用Web经验丰富的参与者组成,而技术不熟练组的12名参与者至少50岁。我们观察在线健康信息搜索以确定技术技能的差异,并分析并发语言协议以确定健康信息搜索者的认知策略和态度。 Results: Our main findings relate to (1) attitudes: health information seekers in both cohorts doubted the quality of information retrieved online; among poorly skilled seekers, this was mainly because they doubted their skills to navigate vast amounts of information; once a website was accessed, quality concerns disappeared in both cohorts, (2) technical skills: skilled Web users effectively filtered information according to search intentions and data sources; less-skilled users were easily distracted by unrelated information, and (3) cognitive strategies: skilled Web users searched to inform themselves; less-skilled users searched to confirm their health-related opinions such as “vaccinations are harmful.” Independent of Web-use skills, most participants stopped a search once they had found the first piece of evidence satisfying search intentions, rather than according to quality criteria. Conclusions: Findings related to Web-use skills differences suggest two classes of interventions to facilitate access to good-quality online health information. Challenges related to findings (1) and (2) should be remedied by improving people’s basic Web-use skills. In particular, Web users should be taught how to avoid information overload by generating specific search terms and to avoid low-quality information by requesting results from trusted websites only. Problems related to finding (3) may be remedied by visually labeling search engine results according to quality criteria. %M 22695686 %R 10.2196/jmir.2051 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2012/3/e87/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2051 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22695686