I Gunther Eysenbach %V 14% N 5% P e 135% T多发性硬化症患者使用和接受电子通信:多中心问卷研究A Haase,Rocco %A Schultheiss,Thorsten %A Kempcke,Raimar %A Thomas,Katja %A Ziemssen,Tjalf %+德累斯顿多发性硬化症中心,德累斯顿科技大学神经学系,Fetscherstrasse 74,德累斯顿,01307,德国,49 351 458 4465,Rocco.Haase@uniklinikum-dresden.de %K多发性硬化症%K电脑%K电子邮件%K手机%K健康信息查找%K疾病管理%K通信媒体%K健康信息技术%D 2012 %7 15.10.2012 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:多发性硬化症(MS)信息网站、在线社区和基于网络的健康教育项目的数量一直在增加。然而,MS患者是否愿意使用新的沟通方式,如网站、手机应用程序、短信服务或与医生的电子邮件,仍是未知的。目的:我们设计了一份问卷来评估MS患者对电子通信方法的先验使用情况,并评估他们对这种工具与他们的医疗保健提供者进行通信的接受程度。方法:我们收集了586名年龄在17 - 73岁之间的MS患者的完整数据。受访者在德国各地的门诊接受了一份新颖的纸笔问卷调查。除了人口统计数据,调查项目还询问了使用电脑、网站、电子邮件和移动电话的频率、熟悉程度和舒适度。结果:约90%的MS患者每周至少使用一次个人电脑(534/586)和互联网(527/586),87.0%(510/586)通过电子邮件交流,85.6%(488/570)通过手机交流。当被问及他们是否愿意使用电子通信方式与医疗保健提供者沟通时,20.5%(120/586)的人接受通过移动互联网应用程序或手机短信服务进行沟通,41.0%(240/586)接受通过网站进行沟通,54.3%(318/586)接受电子邮件服务,67.8%(397/586)接受至少一种电子通信。 The level of a priori use was the best predictor for the acceptance of electronic communication with health care providers. Patients who reported already searching online for health information (odds ratio 2.4, P < .001) and who had already communicated with a physician through a website (odds ratio 3.3, P = .03) reported higher acceptance for Web-based communication. Patients who already scheduled appointments with their mobile phones (odds ratio 2.1, P = .002) were more likely to accept the use of mobile phone applications or short message service for communicating with their physician. Conclusions: The majority of MS patients seen at specialist centers already use modern communication technology regularly. New forms of electronic communication appear to have high levels of acceptance for exchanging information about MS between patients and health care providers. Such methods should be integrated into eHealth services such as electronic health records and patient relationship management systems. %M 23069209 %R 10.2196/jmir.2133 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2012/5/e135/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2133 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23069209