% 0期刊文章% @ 1438 - 8871 V %我Gunther Eysenbach % 14% 5% N P e139 % T开发和测试的多媒体网络系统保真度和监测多维治疗寄养% Feil,爱德华G %英格梅尔,彼得·戴维斯G %贝琪%张伯伦,帕特里夏·% +俄勒冈州研究所,1715年富兰克林大街,尤金,或者,97403年,美国,1 541 484 2123分机2259edf@ori.org %K心理健康%K保真度%K临床监督%K多维治疗寄养%K多媒体%D 2012 %7 16.10.2012 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:心理健康、儿童福利和青少年司法领域共同面临着减少青少年反社会行为流行的挑战。在过去的20年里,品行障碍已经从被认为是棘手的困难转变为具有复杂但可用的解决方案。现在,对青少年长期犯罪行为的治疗已经得到了充分的记录,并得到了越来越多令人信服的证据的支持。这些经经验验证的干预措施正在广泛传播,但在社区环境中临床试验结果的复制尚未被记录在案。这些疗法在研究背景下产生了令人印象深刻的效果,如果没有开发人员对保真度的严密监控,就很难复制。这种监控是采用的障碍;随着采用者和开发人员之间距离的增加,成本也会增加。与此同时,各州、社区和机构在实施那些已被证明最有效的干预服务方面面临着越来越大的压力。互联网的使用提供了一个潜在的解决方案,临床医生现有的报告和数据收集可以受到远程监督。 Such a system would have the potential to provide dissemination teams with more direct access to higher-quality data and would make adopters more likely to be able to implement services at the highest possible conformity to research protocols. Objective: To create and test such an innovative system for use with the Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC) program, which is an in-home treatment (alternative to a residential- or group-home setting) for antisocial youths. This research could advance the knowledge base about developing innovative infrastructures in community settings to disseminate empirically validated treatments. Methods: The fidelity system was used and reviewed by parent and professional users: 20 foster parent users of the Parent Daily Report function, 9 professional MTFC program supervisors, and 4 MTFC consultants. All participants rated the system’s ease of use, quality of the website, and observational videos recorded at agency meetings. In addition, foster parents entered data on child behavior. Results: All professionals and foster parents rated the system as very easy to use. We found particularly high levels of use by parents. Professionals rated the computer-collected videos of clinical meetings as being of high quality and easily codeable. Conclusions: The project developed a user-friendly and secure Web-based system using state-of-the-art computer-based protocols for recording questionnaire and observational data generated by community-based MTFC staff and foster parents, with positive satisfaction and utilization results. %M 23073495 %R 10.2196/jmir.2034 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2012/5/e139/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2034 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23073495