JMIR出版公司使用短信项目提高2型糖尿病风险意识和促进健康行为改变卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析(第一部分):参与者达到和采用评估%A Buis,Lorraine R %A Hirzel,Lindsey %A Turske,Scott A %A Des Jardins,Terrisca R %A Yarandi,Hossein %A Bondurant,Patricia %+密歇根大学家庭医学系,密歇根州安娜堡市富勒街1018号,48104-1213,美国,1734 998 7120 ext 312, %K糖尿病,类型2 %K移动健康%K手机%K短信%K降低风险行为%K计划评估%D 2013 %7 19.12.2013 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:估计有2580万美国儿童和成人患有糖尿病,相当于美国人口的8.3%。糖尿病对少数民族人群来说尤其沉重。考虑到移动技术的广泛应用和提供廉价个性化信息的能力,使用移动技术覆盖广大人群是一种有前途的方法,可以提高对2型糖尿病的认识,并促进针对2型糖尿病相关风险因素的行为改变。作为Beacon社区合作协议计划的一部分,面向公众的移动健康信息服务txt4health在3个Beacon社区推出:密歇根州底特律市的东南密歇根Beacon社区、俄亥俄州辛辛那提市的大辛辛那提Beacon社区和洛杉矶新奥尔良市的新月城Beacon社区。Txt4health是一个移动健康信息服务,旨在帮助人们了解他们患2型糖尿病的风险,并了解他们可以采取哪些步骤来过上健康的生活。目的:本调查的目的是使用RE-AIM框架来记录txt4health的普及和采用,重点关注密歇根东南部和大辛辛那提地区项目试点的注册和参与者参与情况。方法:我们对密歇根东南部和大辛辛那提地区参与者的txt4health系统数据进行了回顾性记录分析,以确定参与者对txt4health的使用情况和对该计划的参与程度。结果:回顾性记录分析的结果显示,5570名参与者通过三种注册策略中的一种启动了两步注册流程:短信、网站或直接与通过网站注册参与者的Beacon工作人员进行注册。 In total, 33.00% (1838/5570) of participants completed the 2-step enrollment process and were fully enrolled in the program. All participants (100.00%, 1620/1620) who enrolled via text message completed the entire 2-step enrollment process versus 5.52% (218/3950) of participants who enrolled via website or a Beacon staff member. Of those who fully enrolled, 71.00% (1305/1838) completed the diabetes risk assessment and 74.27% (1365/1838) set an initial weight loss goal. Overall, 39.06% (718/1838) of participants completed all 14 weeks of the program and 56.26% (1034/1838) dropped out before completing all 14 weeks, with the bulk of dropouts occurring in the first 4 weeks. Length of participation varied greatly, ranging from 0-48.7 weeks (median 8.6, mean 15.8, SD 15.8). Wide variability of participant engagement in regards to weekly weight and physical activity was documented. Conclusions: Although broadly focused public health text message interventions may have the potential to reach large populations and show high levels of engagement among some users, the level of individual engagement among participants varies widely, suggesting that this type of approach may not be appropriate for all. %M 24356329 %R 10.2196/jmir.2928 %U // %U %U