在虚拟世界中使用虚拟形象进行高中心肺复苏训练:一项国际可行性研究%A Creutzfeldt,Johan %A Hedman,Leif %A Heinrichs,LeRoy %A Youngblood,Patricia %A Felländer-Tsai,Li %+卡罗林斯卡学院临床科学系,干预与技术,K32,斯德哥尔摩,14186,瑞典,46 858580000 ext 86334,johan.creutzfeldt@ki.se %K严肃游戏%K虚拟学习环境%K MMVW %K虚拟形象%K学生%K心肺复苏%K病人模拟%K自我效能%K浓度%D 2013 %7 14.01.2013 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:在美国,每年大约有30万人遭受心脏骤停(SCA)。尽管美国心脏协会每年培训超过1200万非专业人员进行心肺复苏术,但只有不到30%的院外受害者接受了心肺复苏术。心肺复苏术教育需要新的学习方法,特别是在学校。大型多人虚拟世界(MMVW)为严肃游戏提供了平台,这些游戏很有希望利用当今年轻人(即数字原生一代)的计算机能力来学习方法。目的:探讨在MMVM中使用虚拟人进行心肺复苏训练的可行性。我们还分析了经验、自我效能和对训练反应的专注度。方法:在这项前瞻性的国际合作研究中,电子学习方法被用于瑞典和美国的高中生。一个软件游戏平台被修改为在紧急医疗情况下训练的严肃游戏。 Using MMVW technology, participants in teams of 3 were engaged in virtual-world scenarios to learn how to treat victims suffering cardiac arrest. Short debriefings were carried out after each scenario. A total of 36 high school students (Sweden, n=12; United States, n=24) participated. Their self-efficacy and concentration (task motivation) were assessed. An exit questionnaire was used to solicit experiences and attitudes toward this type of training. Among the Swedish students, a follow-up was carried out after 6 months. Depending on the distributions, t tests or Mann-Whitney tests were used. Correlation between variables was assessed by using Spearman rank correlation. Regression analyses were used for time-dependent variables. Results: The participants enjoyed the training and reported a self-perceived benefit as a consequence of training. The mean rating for self-efficacy increased from 5.8/7 (SD 0.72) to 6.5/7 (SD 0.57, P<.001). In the Swedish follow-up, it subsequently increased from 5.7/7 (SD 0.56) to 6.3/7 (SD 0.38, P=.006). In the Swedish group, the mean concentration value increased from 52.4/100 (SD 9.8) to 62.7/100 (SD 8.9, P=.05); in the US group, the concentration value increased from 70.8/100 (SD 7.9) to 82.5/100 (SD 4.7, P<.001). We found a significant positive correlation (P<.001) between self-efficacy and concentration scores. Overall, the participants were moderately or highly immersed and the software was easy to use. Conclusions: By using online MMVWs, team training in CPR is feasible and reliable for this international group of high school students (Sweden and United States). A high level of appreciation was reported among these adolescents and their self-efficacy increased significantly. The described training is a novel and interesting way to learn CPR teamwork, and in the future could be combined with psychomotor skills training. %M 23318253 %R 10.2196/jmir.1715 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2013/1/e9/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1715 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23318253