%0杂志文章%@ 14388871% I JMIR出版公司%V 16卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 2% P e44% T戒烟应用程序的智能手机:基于自我决定理论的内容分析%A Choi,郑华%A Noh, hee- young %A Park,Dong-Jin %+翰林大学,13406 Damheon Hall, 39翰林大学,春川,韩国,共和国,82 33 248 1928,jhchoi@hallym.ac.kr %K医学信息学应用%K戒烟%K传播媒体%D 2014 %7 12.02.2014 %9原创论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:智能手机作为一种辅助个人健康管理的手段,越来越受到公共卫生学者和从业者的关注。许多戒烟的智能手机应用程序也可供使用;然而,很少有人用理论框架来评估这些应用程序的内容和功能。目的:本研究旨在以自我决定理论(SDT)为理论框架,对韩国现有的戒烟应用程序内容进行分析和评价。这项研究分析了戒烟应用程序在多大程度上具有满足SDT中确定的基本需求的功能,这些功能可以激发自主动机。在应用程序中体现的激励目标内容类型以及目标内容是如何构建的也进行了探讨。通过评估基于SDT的戒烟应用程序的特征,本研究旨在为这些应用程序提供改进方向。方法:从iTunes store和谷歌Play(不包括27款重复应用)中筛选出309款应用,随机抽取175款应用进行分析。 The coding scheme was drafted by the authors based on the SDT and gain/loss framing theory and was further finely tuned through the process of coder training and by establishing intercoder reliability. Once the intercoder reliability was established, the coders divided up the rest of the sample and coded them independently. Results: The analysis revealed that most apps (94.3%, 165/175) had at least one feature that tapped at least 1 of the 3 basic needs. Only 18 of 175 apps (10.3%) addressed all 3 basic needs. For goal content, money (53.7%, 94/175) showed the highest frequency, followed by health (32.0%, 56/175), time (7.4%, 13/175), and appearance (1.1%, 2/175), suggesting that extrinsic goals are more dominantly presented in smoking cessation apps. For the framing of goal content, gain framing appeared more frequently (41.7%, 73/175). Conclusions: The results suggest that these smoking cessation apps may not sufficiently stimulate autonomous motivation; a small number of apps addressed all 3 basic needs suggested by the SDT (ie, autonomy, competence, and relatedness). The apps also tended to present extrinsic goal content (primarily in terms of money) over intrinsic ones (ie, health) by primarily adopting gain framing. Implications of these findings for public health practitioners and consumers are discussed. %M 24521881 %R 10.2196/jmir.3061 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2014/2/e44/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3061 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24521881