杂志文章@ 1438-8871 % JMIR出版公司,计算机交付和基于卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析网络的干预措施,以改善大学生的抑郁,焦虑和心理健康:系统回顾和元分析%A Davies,E Bethan %A Morriss,Richard %A Glazebrook,Cris %+精神病学和应用心理学分部,诺丁汉大学医学院,心理健康研究所,凯芬路,诺丁汉,NG7 2TU,英国,44 0115 74 84293,mcxebd@nottingham.ac.uk %K系统回顾%K元分析%K干预%K大学%K学生%K心理健康%K抑郁%K焦虑%K健康促进%D 2014 %7 16.05.2014 %9回顾%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:抑郁和焦虑是大学生常见的心理健康困难,会损害学术和社会功能。学生在向专业人士寻求帮助方面受到限制。由于大学生与数字技术高度相关,基于网络和计算机提供的干预措施可以用来改善学生的心理健康。这些干预类型的有效性需要调查,以确定这些是否是可行的大学生预防策略。目的:本研究的目的是系统地回顾和分析网络和计算机提供的干预措施的试验,以改善大学生的抑郁、焦虑、心理困扰和压力。方法:使用与高等教育学生、心理健康和电子健康干预相关的关键词搜索几个数据库。本综述纳入研究的资格标准为:(1)旨在改善与抑郁、焦虑、心理困扰和压力有关的症状的研究;(2)该研究涉及通过计算机、笔记本电脑或平板电脑访问的计算机传送或基于网络的干预措施;(3)该研究是随机对照试验;(4)该研究在高等教育学生中进行试验。通过对每种结果和每种试验组比较的随机效应荟萃分析,对试验进行回顾和结果数据分析。 Cochrane Collaboration risk of bias tool was used to assess study quality. Results: A total of 17 trials were identified, in which seven were the same three interventions on separate samples; 14 reported sufficient information for meta-analysis. The majority (n=13) were website-delivered and nine interventions were based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). A total of 1795 participants were randomized and 1480 analyzed. Risk of bias was considered moderate, as many publications did not sufficiently report their methods and seven explicitly conducted completers’ analyses. In comparison to the inactive control, sensitivity meta-analyses supported intervention in improving anxiety (pooled standardized mean difference [SMD] −0.56; 95% CI −0.77 to −0.35, P<.001), depression (pooled SMD −0.43; 95% CI −0.63 to −0.22, P<.001), and stress (pooled SMD −0.73; 95% CI −1.27 to −0.19, P=.008). In comparison to active controls, sensitivity analyses did not support either condition for anxiety (pooled SMD −0.18; 95% CI −0.98 to 0.62, P=.66) or depression (pooled SMD −0.28; 95% CI −0.75 to −0.20, P=.25). In contrast to a comparison intervention, neither condition was supported in sensitivity analyses for anxiety (pooled SMD −0.10; 95% CI −0.39 to 0.18, P=.48) or depression (pooled SMD −0.33; 95% CI −0.43 to 1.09, P=.40). Conclusions: The findings suggest Web-based and computer-delivered interventions can be effective in improving students’ depression, anxiety, and stress outcomes when compared to inactive controls, but some caution is needed when compared to other trial arms and methodological issues were noticeable. Interventions need to be trialed on more heterogeneous student samples and would benefit from user evaluation. Future trials should address methodological considerations to improve reporting of trial quality and address post-intervention skewed data. %M 24836465 %R 10.2196/jmir.3142 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2014/5/e130/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3142 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24836465