JMIR出版公司为父母有毒瘾或精神疾病的青少年提供的在线健康预防干预:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析来自一项随机对照试验的参与者和提供者的经验和观点% a Woolderink,Marla % a Bindels,Jill APM % a Evers,Silvia MAA % a Paulus,Aggie TG % a van Asselt,Antoinette DI % a van Schayck,Onno CP %+临床流行病学和技术评估,马斯特里赫特大学医学中心,牛牛兰10,马斯特里赫特,邮箱5800,6202 AZ,荷兰,31 0031 043 3875, %K在线授课课程%K过程评估%K定性研究%K心理健康%K预防%K青少年%D 2015 %7 02.12.2015 %9原创论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:精神疾病直接或间接地影响着世界各地的许多人。患有精神疾病或成瘾的人的家庭也会受到影响,尤其是他们的孩子。在荷兰,86.4万名父母符合精神疾病或成瘾的诊断标准。有证据表明,患有精神疾病或上瘾的父母的后代本身也有患上精神障碍或疾病的风险。kopstored课程是由2名受过训练的心理学家或社会工作者监督的为期8周的在线集体课程,目的是防止父母有心理健康问题或成瘾的儿童(16至25岁)出现行为和心理问题。这门课程的主题包括家庭中的角色和掌握技能。一项在线随机对照试验(RCT)用于评估kopstored课程的有效性。目的:目的是获得关于在线kopstored课程参与者和提供者的期望、经验和观点的知识。 Methods: A process evaluation was performed to evaluate the online delivery of Kopstoring and the experiences and perspectives of participants and providers of Kopstoring. Interviews were performed with members from both groups. Participants were drawn from a sample from the Kopstoring RCT. Results: Thirteen participants and 4 providers were interviewed. Five main themes emerged from these interviews: background, the requirements for the intervention, experience with the intervention, technical aspects, and research aspects. Overall, participants and providers found the intervention to be valuable because it was online; therefore, protecting their anonymity was considered a key component. Most barriers existed in the technical sphere. Additional barriers existed with conducting the RCT, namely gathering informed consent and gathering parental consent in the case of minors. Conclusions: This study provides valuable insight into participants’ and providers’ experiences and expectations with the online preventive intervention Kopstoring. It also sheds light on the process of the online provision of Kopstoring and the accompanying RCT. The findings of this study may partly explain dropout rates when delivering online interventions. The change in the (financial) structure of the youth mental health care system in the Netherlands has financial implications for the delivery of prevention programs for youth. Lastly, there are few RCTs that assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of online prevention programs in the field of (youth) mental health care and not many process evaluations of these programs exist. This hampers a good comparison between online interventions and the expectations and experiences of the participants and providers. Trial Registration: Nederlands Trial Register: NTR1982; (Archived by WebCite® at %M 26633244 %R 10.2196/jmir.4817 %U // %U %U