杂志文章@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR Publicatio卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析ns Inc. %V 17% N 6% P 150% T医疗培训中的虚拟紧急远程医疗严肃游戏:A定量,专业反馈-知情评估研究A Nicolaidou,Iolie %A Antoniades,Athos %A Constantinou,Riana %A Marangos,Charis %A Kyriacou,Efthyvoulos %A Bamidis,Panagiotis %A Dafli,Eleni %A Pattichis,Constantinos S +通信和互联网研究系,塞浦路斯理工大学,邮箱50329,利马,3603,塞浦路斯,357 99329897,iolie.nicolaidou@cut.ac.cy %K远程医疗%K急诊远程医疗%K严肃游戏%K虚拟患者%K医学教育%K专业反馈知情评估%K急诊评估与管理%D 2015 %7 17.06.2015 %9原创论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:在医学教育中涉及虚拟病人的严肃游戏可以提供一个可控的环境,让玩家可以以一种吸引人的方式学习,同时避免与真实病人相关的风险。此外,严肃游戏与医学生偏爱的学习风格一致。虚拟紧急远程医疗(VETM)游戏是一款基于模拟的游戏,是与mEducator最佳实践网络合作开发的,以响应将严肃游戏融入医学教育和培训的呼吁。VETM游戏利用心电图数据,通过远程医疗系统和虚拟患者,培训执业医生、护士或医学生在现实生活中的临床场景中解决问题。这项研究弥补了两个空白:急诊心脏病学中有限的游戏数量和缺乏专业人员的评估。目的:本研究的目的是对一种涉及心血管并发症的VETM方案进行定量、专业的反馈评估。该研究有以下研究问题:“专业人员对虚拟紧急远程医疗游戏的潜力有何看法,以培训参与紧急情况评估和管理的人员?” Methods: The evaluation of the VETM game was conducted with 90 professional ambulance crew nursing personnel specializing in the assessment and management of emergency cases. After collaboratively trying out one VETM scenario, participants individually completed an evaluation of the game (36 questions on a 5-point Likert scale) and provided written and verbal comments. The instrument assessed six dimensions of the game: (1) user interface, (2) difficulty level, (3) feedback, (4) educational value, (5) user engagement, and (6) terminology. Data sources of the study were 90 questionnaires, including written comments from 51 participants, 24 interviews with 55 participants, and 379 log files of their interaction with the game. Results: Overall, the results were positive in all dimensions of the game that were assessed as means ranged from 3.2 to 3.99 out of 5, with user engagement receiving the highest score (mean 3.99, SD 0.87). Users’ perceived difficulty level received the lowest score (mean 3.20, SD 0.65), a finding which agrees with the analysis of log files that showed a rather low success rate (20.6%). Even though professionals saw the educational value and usefulness of the tool for pre-hospital emergency training (mean 3.83, SD 1.05), they identified confusing features and provided input for improving them. Conclusions: Overall, the results of the professional feedback-informed evaluation of the game provide a strong indication of its potential as an educational tool for emergency training. Professionals’ input will serve to improve the game. Further research will aim to validate VETM, in a randomized pre-test, post-test control group study to examine possible learning gains in participants’ problem-solving skills in treating a patient’s symptoms in an emergency situation. %M 26084866 %R 10.2196/jmir.3667 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2015/6/e150/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3667 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26084866