%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 18%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 8% P e158% T量身定制的基于网络的反馈和可选的电话指导对健康改善的影响:运输服务业员工的随机干预%A Solenhill,Madeleine %A Grotta,Alessandra %A Pasquali,Elena %A Bakkman,Linda %A Bellocco,Rino %A Trolle Lagerros,Ylva %+ Halmstad大学健康与福利学院,Box 823, Halmstad, S-301 18,瑞典,46 +46 35 16 7100,Madeleine.Solenhill@hh.se %K饮食%K运动%K互联网%K干预研究%K生活方式%K动机%K职业健康%K问卷%K随机%D 2016 %7 11.08.2016 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:生活方式相关的健康问题是交通服务业中一个重要的健康问题。基于网络和电话的干预可能适合这一需要量身定制方法的目标群体。目的:与没有健康反馈或电话指导相比,评估定制的网络健康反馈和可选的电话指导在改善生活方式因素(体重指数- bmi、饮食摄入量、体育活动、压力、睡眠、烟草和酒精消费、病史、自我感知的健康状况和改变健康习惯的动机)方面的效果。方法:总体而言,瑞典交通服务部门的3876名员工通过电子邮件发送了一份基于网络的调查问卷。他们被随机分为:对照组(A组,1238人中有498人回答,40.23%),或干预网络(B组,1305人中有482人回答,36.93%),或干预网络+电话(C组,1333人中有493人回答,36.98%)。所有组都收到了一份相同的问卷,只是干预措施有所不同。B组收到定制的基于网络的健康反馈,C组收到定制的基于网络的健康反馈+可选的电话指导,如果参与者报告的健康习惯不符合国家指南,或者如果他们表达了改变健康习惯的动机。基于网络的反馈是完全自动化的。 Telephone coaching was performed by trained health counselors. Nine months later, all participants received a follow-up questionnaire and intervention Web + telephone. Descriptive statistics, the chi-square test, analysis of variance, and generalized estimating equation (GEE) models were used. Results: Overall, 981 of 1473 (66.60%) employees participated at baseline (men: 66.7%, mean age: 44 years, mean BMI: 26.4 kg/m2) and follow-up. No significant differences were found in reported health habits between the 3 groups over time. However, significant changes were found in motivation to change. The intervention groups reported higher motivation to improve dietary habits (144 of 301 participants, 47.8%, and 165 of 324 participants, 50.9%, for groups B and C, respectively) and physical activity habits (181 of 301 participants, 60.1%, and 207 of 324 participants, 63.9%, for B and C, respectively) compared with the control group A (122 of 356 participants, 34.3%, for diet and 177 of 356 participants, 49.7%, for physical activity). At follow-up, the intervention groups had significantly decreased motivation (group B: P<.001 for change in diet; P<.001 for change in physical activity; group C: P=.007 for change in diet; P<.001 for change in physical activity), whereas the control group reported significantly increased motivation to change diet and physical activity (P<.001 for change in diet; P<.001 for change in physical activity). Conclusion: Tailored Web-based health feedback and the offering of optional telephone coaching did not have a positive health effect on employees in the transport services. However, our findings suggest an increased short-term motivation to change health behaviors related to diet and physical activity among those receiving tailored Web-based health feedback. %M 27514859 %R 10.2196/jmir.4005 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2016/8/e158/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.4005 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27514859