%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 19 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析%N 2 %P e20 %T寻找卫生保健创新的真实世界有效性:糖尿病社会处方范围研究%A Pilkington,Karen %A Loef,Martin %A Polley,Marie %+朴茨茅斯大学理学院健康科学和社会工作学院,朴茨茅斯国王理查德路2号圣迈克尔大楼,P01 2FR,英国,44 123 984 4497,karen.pilkington@port.ac.uk %K Diabetes mellitus,背景:社会处方是一个过程,在此过程中,初级保健患者被联系或推荐到社区和志愿部门的非医疗支持来源。这是一个在实践中出现的概念,在英国广泛实施,并得到了各种组织的评估。目的:本研究的目的是描述、整理和分析来自英国和爱尔兰2型糖尿病社会处方评估的证据,将公开网站上的信息与已发表的文献进行比较。方法:我们对社会处方使用了一个宽泛、实用的定义,并对提供潜在相关服务的组织网站进行了基于web的搜索。我们还探索了相关信息。同时,我们搜索了Medline、PubMed、Cochrane Library、谷歌Scholar以及同行评议期刊上发表的相关研究的参考列表。我们系统地提取了有关特征、报告的评估、测量的结果和结果以及用于描述每种服务的术语的数据。结果:我们确定了40个以英国或爱尔兰为基础的项目,将2型糖尿病和前驱糖尿病患者转介到社区提供的非医疗干预或服务。 We located evaluations of 24 projects; 11 as published papers, 12 as Web-based reports, and 1 as both a paper and a Web-based report. The interventions and services identified included structured group educational programs, exercise referral schemes, and individualized advice and support with signposting of health-related activities in the community. Although specific interventions such as community-based group educational programs and exercise referral have been evaluated in randomized controlled trials, evaluation of individualized social prescribing services involving people with type 2 diabetes has, in most cases, used pre-post and mixed methods approaches. These evaluations report generic improvement in a broad range of outcomes and provide an insight into the criteria for the success of social prescribing services. Conclusions: Our study revealed the varied models of social prescribing and nonmedical, community-based services available to people with type 2 diabetes and the extent of evaluation of these, which would not have been achieved by searching databases alone. The findings of this scoping study do not prove that social prescribing is an effective measure for people with type 2 diabetes in the United Kingdom, but can be used to inform future evaluation and contribute to the development of the evidence base for social prescribing. Accessing Web-based information provides a potential method for investigating how specific innovative health concepts, such as social prescribing, have been translated, implemented, and evaluated in practice. Several challenges were encountered including defining the concept, focusing on process plus intervention, and searching diverse, evolving Web-based sources. Further exploration of this approach will inform future research on the application of innovative health care concepts into practice. %M 28153817 %R 10.2196/jmir.6431 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2017/2/e20/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6431 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28153817