期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 19 %N卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 4 %P e131 %T台湾个人健康档案的重要性-绩效分析:基于网络的调查%A Rau,吴孝贤%A,朱懿媛%A,王志明%A,徐福忠%A,张敏慧%A,陈志文%A,康华%A,李延亮%A,高森宁%A,温育龙%A,许贤嘉%A Fuad,阿妮丝%A Hsu,建叶%A Chiu,洪文%+台北医科大学生物医学信息研究所,台北市大安区基隆路二段176 -3号15楼,邮编:886 266382736 ext 1511, hwchiu@tmu.edu.tw %K电子健康档案%K健康档案,邮编:背景:授权个人健康记录(PHRs)为健康促进提供了基本的人权、意识和意愿。随着医疗保健服务向以患者为中心的服务转变,PHRs成为消费者和提供者不可或缺的平台。最近,政府推出了“我的健康银行”,这是一个面向消费者的基于web的电子医疗记录存储库。然而,它还不是一个PHR。到目前为止,我们还没有一个平台可以让患者管理自己的PHR。目的:本研究建立一个基于“我的健康银行”内容的个人健康数据分析增值平台,并对其健康记录进行管理。本研究旨在使用重要性-绩效分析来检验消费者对PHR的期望。本研究的目的是探讨消费者对这类平台的认知:试图通过重要性-绩效分析找出关键的成功因素和重要方面,并在此基础上提出未来发展的建议。 Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in Taiwan. Web-based invitation to participate in this study was distributed through Facebook. Respondents were asked to watch an introductory movie regarding PHR before filling in the questionnaire. The questionnaire was focused on 2 aspects, including (1) system functions, and (2) system design and security and privacy. The questionnaire would employ 12 and 7 questions respectively. The questionnaire was designed following 5-points Likert scale ranging from 1 (“disagree strongly”) to 5 (“Agree strongly”). Afterwards, the questionnaire data was sorted using IBM SPSS Statistics 21 for descriptive statistics and the importance-performance analysis. Results: This research received 350 valid questionnaires. Most respondents were female (219 of 350 participants, 62.6%), 21-30 years old (238 of 350 participants, 68.0%), with a university degree (228 of 350 participants, 65.1%). They were still students (195 out of 350 participants, 56.6%), with a monthly income of less than NT $30,000 (230 of 350 participants, 65.7%), and living in the North Taiwan (236 of 350 participants, 67.4%), with a good self-identified health status (171 of 350 participants, 48.9%). After performing the importance-performance analysis, we found the following: (1) instead of complex functions, people just want to have a platform that can let them integrate and manage their medical visit, health examination, and life behavior records; (2) they do not care whether their PHR is shared with others; and (3) most of the participants think the system security design is not important, but they also do not feel satisfied with the current security design. Conclusions: Overall, the issues receiving the most user attention were the system functions, circulation, integrity, ease of use, and continuity of the PHRs, data security, and privacy protection. %R 10.2196/jmir.7065 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2017/4/e131/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.7065