A Saha,Koustuv %A Weber,Ingmar %A B卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析irnbaum,Michael L %A De Choudhury,Munmun %+佐治亚理工学院交互计算学院,科技广场研究大楼,85第五街西北,亚特兰大,佐治亚州,30308,美国,1 4046929496,koustuv.saha@gatech.edu %K精神分裂症%K精神障碍%K在线社交网络%K健康意识%K精神健康%K公共健康%K Facebook %D 2017 %7 08.05.2017 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:精神分裂症是一种罕见但毁灭性的疾病,影响着全球约1%的人口,导致美国约2%的医疗支出。妨碍适当和及时护理的主要障碍包括误解、严重的污名化和缺乏公众意识。Facebook为了解与精神分裂症相关的公众意识和信息获取提供了新的机会,因此可以补充基于调查的评估意识的方法,这些方法在规模、稳健性和时间和人口粒度上都是有限的。目的:本研究的目的是:(1)构建一个衡量不同人群对Facebook上精神分裂症相关信息的认知度的指数;(2)研究该指数在人口统计学群体中的差异,以及它如何与互补的基于网络的(谷歌趋势)和关于人口福祉的非基于网络的变量(心理健康指标和基础设施)相关;(3)研究Facebook衍生的精神分裂症指数与其他类型的在线活动以及离线健康和心理健康结果和指标的关系。方法:通过程序收集Facebook广告平台的数据,计算对精神分裂症感兴趣的目标人群中用户的比例。在咨询临床专家后,将几个主题结合起来,以获得衡量精神分裂症意识的单一指数。然后,研究人员分析了美国各州、性别、年龄、种族亲和力和教育水平之间的差异。基于群体的特征,采用统计方法对群体的认知指数进行建模。 Results: Overall, 1.03% of Facebook users in the United States have a schizophrenia-related interest. The schizophrenia awareness index (SAI) is higher for females than for males (1.06 vs 0.97, P<.001), and it is highest for the people who are aged 25-44 years (1.35 vs 1.03 for all ages, P<.001). The awareness index drops for higher education levels (0.68 for MA or PhD vs 1.92 for no high school degree, P<.001), and Hispanics have the highest level of interest (1.57 vs 1.03 for all ethnic affinities, P<.001). A regression model fit to predict a group’s interest level achieves an adjusted R2=0.55. We also observe a positive association between our SAI and mental health services (or institutions) per 100,000 residents in a US state (Pearson r=.238, P<.001), but a negative association with the state-level human development index (HDI) in United States (Pearson r=−.145, P<.001) and state-level volume of mental health issues in United States (Pearson r=−.145, P<.001). Conclusions: Facebook’s advertising platform can be used to construct a plausible index of population-scale schizophrenia awareness. However, only estimates of awareness can be obtained, and the index provides no information on the quality of the information users receive online. %M 28483739 %R 10.2196/jmir.6815 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2017/5/e156/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6815 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28483739