%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 19%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 7% P e235% T定制的,基于家庭的,数字护理管理应用程序的理想组件,用于患有长期慢性病的儿童和年轻人:A定性探索A南丁格尔,露丝A霍尔,安德鲁A盖尔德,卡罗尔A弗里德,西蒙娜A布伦南,艾琳A斯沃洛,维罗妮卡+大奥蒙德街儿童医院,NHS基金会信托,英国伦敦大奥蒙德街,44 7825 098844,ruth.nightingale@gosh.nhs.uk % K儿童% K青少年% K长期条件% K慢性病% K自我管理% K自理% K移动应用% K程序% K定性% D原始论文7 04.07.2017 % 9 2017% % J J互联网Res % G英语% X背景:移动应用为手机和平板设备被广泛使用的儿童和年轻人0-18岁与长期的健康状况,如慢性肾脏疾病(CKD),并为社交网络或游戏健康同行。它们还将成为健康指导的主要来源。然而,联合生产、严格开发和评估的应用程序开发流程,以提供针对日常护理管理的量身定制的、具体情况的实用建议,很少有系统的或充分的描述,无法复制。此外,由于对应用程序组件的关键元素的影响理解不足,无法推断出现实世界的情况。因此,有效和具有成本效益的新颖数字应用程序将有效和安全地支持护理管理是至关重要和及时的。为了为患有CKD的儿童开发这样一款应用程序提供信息,首先需要进行用户需求收集练习。目的:探讨CKD儿童、其父母和卫生保健专业人员的观点,为未来开发以儿童为中心的护理管理应用程序提供信息。方法:使用年龄和发育适当的方法,我们采访了36名参与者:5-10岁(n=6)、11-14岁(n=6)、15-18岁(n=5)、母亲(n=10)、父亲(n=2)和卫生保健专业人员(n=7)。数据分析采用框架分析和行为改变理论。 Results: Of the 27 interviews, 19 (70%) interviews were individual and 8 (30%) were joint—5 out of 8 (63%) joint interviews were with a child or young person and their parent, 1 out of 8 (13%) were with a child and both parents, and 2 out of 8 (25%) were with 2 professionals. Three key themes emerged to inform development of a software requirement specification for a future home-based, digital care-management app intervention: (1) Gaps in current online information and support, (2) Difficulties experienced by children with a long-term condition, and (3) Suggestions for a digital care-management app. Reported gaps included the fact that current online information is not usually appropriate for children as it is “dry” and “boring,” could be “scary,” and was either hard to understand or not relevant to individuals’ circumstances. For children, searching online was much less accessible than using a professional-endorsed mobile app. Children also reported difficulty explaining their condition to others, maintaining treatment adherence, coping with feeling isolated, and with trying to live a “normal” life. There was recognition that a developmentally appropriate, CKD-specific app could support the process of explaining the condition to healthy peers, reducing isolation, adhering to care-management plans, and living a “normal” life. Participants recommended a range of media and content to include in a tailored, interactive, age- and developmentally appropriate app. For example, the user would be able to enter their age and diagnosis so that only age-appropriate and condition-specific content is displayed. Conclusions: Future development of a digital app that meets the identified information and support needs and preferences of children with CKD will maximize its utility, thereby augmenting CKD caregiving and optimizing outcomes. %M 28676470 %R 10.2196/jmir.7760 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2017/7/e235/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.7760 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28676470