%0杂志文章%@ 1438-8871 %I Gunther Eysenbach %V 1% N供应1% P e94% T PHL14/352:电子健康信息和以计算机为媒介的沟通对癌症患者应对能力的影响%A Scheiber,A %A Gruendel,M %K健康促进%K互联网%K健康沟通%K电子网络%K自助团体%D 1999 %7 19.9.1999 %9摘要%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X基于全球的信息服务正在为患者、其家属和护理提供者提供越来越多的关于预防、促进健康和治疗的几乎所有方面的信息。以癌症为例,在过去几年里已经为讲英语的受众建立了完善的信息和通信基础设施。方法:我们的工作集中在广泛的文献综述上,确定了关于癌症患者、他们的家人和护理人员使用互联网电子信息和通信平台的影响的出版物。结果:患者主要登录各大服务,以获取其特定疾病的背景信息或癌症性质的一般介绍。患者获取更多疾病信息的能力究竟能在多大程度上真正影响他们的生活质量,这个问题仍然悬而未决。一项随机对照试验显示,患者喜欢收到更多关于癌症的书面信息,尽管这并没有增加他们对癌症的知识。除了遵循他们的意愿或需要通过WWW告知自己,患者更多地使用电子邮件和新闻组公告栏进行交流。这些公告栏还充当癌症新闻的筛选机构。关于癌症治疗及其对家庭的影响的问题被认为是这些列表中最有帮助的话题。 The three major dimensions of communication goals in online discussion groups can be identified as follows: a) exchange of information, b) social support and c) personal empowerment. These findings are similar to the communication structures identified for face-to-face groups. However, there are indications for some differences between traditional and virtual self-help (VS): more people are involved in VS; VS is open not only for patients but for their families, care providers as well as for involved professionals; VS is accessible around the clock and from every place. Discussion: At this point of time, we can only estimate the importance of the Internet for health communication and health promotion. However, it appears that the Internet is a large information resource as well as a potential support network for patients and their families. In virtual groups, the distance-intimacy-relation seems to be easier to control. Furthermore, membership is independent from regional circumstances and patients with very rare kinds of cancer are able to find peers. The latter leads to the question if VS is particularly attractive to difficult-to-reach patient groups and if it will enhance their access to important resources such as social support. The process of coping with cancer itself seems to be very well supported by such new non-traditional electronic support networks, as long as they fulfil the functions of a community. Some basic problems, concerning the quality of information and the reliability of medical advice available through email, are not yet solved. %R 10.2196/jmir.1.suppl1.e94 %U //www.mybigtv.com/1999/suppl1/e94/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1.suppl1.e94