学生驱动的虚拟患者应用对客观结构化临床检查绩效的影响卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析观察性研究%A Bergeron,David %A Champagne,Jean-Nicolas %A Qi,Wen %A Dion,Maxime %A thsamriault,Julie %A Renaud, jean - ssamutien %+ faculty de msamudecine, universitlaval, universitlaval 2325, rue de l' universit, quacimbec, QC, Canada, 1 418 656 2131, david.bergeron.5@ulaval.ca %K同行辅助学习%K虚拟患者%K医学教育%K本科生%D 2018 %7 22.02.2018 %9原文%J J Med Internet Res %G English %X背景:同伴辅助学习(Peer-assisted learning, PAL)是指学术水平相近的学生相互学习的一种学习活动。加拿大拉瓦尔大学的一个学生组织——临床技能改进小组(Groupe de perfectionement des habilets cliniques)通过创建一个协作式虚拟患者平台,推动PAL进入了数字时代。医学访谈可以通过基于web的交互式应用程序成对完成(学生-病人和学生-医生),该应用程序生成分数(对关键问题进行加权)和自动反馈。目的:本研究的目的是测量应用程序对总结性职前客观结构化临床检查(OSCE)医学访谈站分数的教学影响。方法:我们在OSCE前2个月测量应用程序的使用情况(完成病例,平均得分)。我们还查阅了欧安组织办事员前总结性办事处医务面谈站的结果。我们分析了使用该应用程序是否与欧安组织的更高分数和/或更好的及格分数(≥60%)相关。最后,我们制作了一份在线表格,学生可以在上面评论他们对申请的欣赏。 Results: Of the 206 students completing the preclerkship summative OSCE, 170 (82.5%) were registered users on the application, completing a total of 3133 cases (18 by active user in average, 7 minutes by case in average). The appreciation questionnaire was answered online by 45 students who mentioned appreciating the intuitive, easy-to-use, and interactive design, the diversity of cases, and the automated feedback. Using the application was associated with reduced reported stress, improved scores (P=.04), and improved passing rates (P=.11) at the preclerkship summative OSCE. Conclusions: This study suggests that PAL can go far beyond small-group teaching, showing students’ potential to create helpful pedagogical tools for their peers. %M 29472175 %R 10.2196/jmir.7548 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2018/2/e60/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.7548 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29472175